WEBVTT 1 00:00:02.639 --> 00:00:11.219 Pak, Nicholas (ELS-SNG): So today's workshop will be recorded on will be recorded on the cloud and i'll be sharing it with everyone after an entire session is over. 2 00:00:12.240 --> 00:00:22.920 Pak, Nicholas (ELS-SNG): So thank you so much for joining us, my name is Nicholas i'm the platform consultant from Elsevier and I work together with institutions in Malaysia, Singapore and Vietnam. 3 00:00:23.850 --> 00:00:39.300 Pak, Nicholas (ELS-SNG): So today's session will be broken into two sections, the first probably about 30 Minutes will be unsigned step back well walk you through some of the Platform updates because i'm pretty sure most of you are familiar Center right, and you know how to use it. 4 00:00:41.490 --> 00:00:50.430 Pak, Nicholas (ELS-SNG): The second part of the session will be focusing primarily on scopus there'll be more emphasis on scopus because system, while of updates going on. 5 00:00:50.940 --> 00:01:03.810 Pak, Nicholas (ELS-SNG): So not to worry, if you have any questions or queries feel free to type them in the Q amp a box of you go through them section by section, so we don't really have much time, so without further ado i'll jump right into it. 6 00:01:05.370 --> 00:01:14.490 Pak, Nicholas (ELS-SNG): So we've got science direct we have been trying to enable this as a platform to really enable research and learning through generals and true books right. 7 00:01:15.750 --> 00:01:20.400 Pak, Nicholas (ELS-SNG): i'll break this into three sections today in relevance discover ability and flexibility. 8 00:01:21.450 --> 00:01:29.220 Pak, Nicholas (ELS-SNG): In terms of relevance or walk you through what content areas on science direct on how you can use it to develop science literacy. 9 00:01:29.670 --> 00:01:33.630 Pak, Nicholas (ELS-SNG): to guide your colleagues and your peers and your students and your researchers. 10 00:01:34.530 --> 00:01:40.950 Pak, Nicholas (ELS-SNG): i'll show you how you're able to help them with discover ability in terms of advanced search using boolean operators. 11 00:01:41.580 --> 00:01:57.180 Pak, Nicholas (ELS-SNG): But how you can browse on how you can evaluate the new general homepages and how we can use sighs direct topics and assigns recommender flexibility for those would be interesting interested in wanting to know more about subscribe buildings and API integration. 12 00:01:59.670 --> 00:02:09.510 Pak, Nicholas (ELS-SNG): So i'm sure most of you are familiar, science, direct and you probably have used it before right, so I think I don't really need to jump so much into this. 13 00:02:10.950 --> 00:02:16.590 Pak, Nicholas (ELS-SNG): But one thing we know we want you to know is that i'm with institutions moving to an online learning. 14 00:02:17.790 --> 00:02:33.570 Pak, Nicholas (ELS-SNG): Elsevier can support your content needs is allowing students to get adapted to an online remote learning environment for faculty members to search for content and solutions to develop online coursework and for Librarians to play a critical role in supporting students and faculty. 15 00:02:35.580 --> 00:02:40.410 Pak, Nicholas (ELS-SNG): The one thing we know is that researchers spend a lot of time searching for information. 16 00:02:40.740 --> 00:02:48.360 Pak, Nicholas (ELS-SNG): And to spend a lot of time to read, write and research is becoming more and more interdisciplinary with more sources of information being. 17 00:02:48.720 --> 00:03:03.060 Pak, Nicholas (ELS-SNG): Added to date so staying up to date, requires more time spent, but this is something that we know and the technologies on science direct is being developed so that you're actually able to make some basis in terms of efficiency perspective. 18 00:03:05.160 --> 00:03:12.060 Pak, Nicholas (ELS-SNG): So the first component to to improve and to augment efficiency will be to improve on relevance and that is. 19 00:03:13.440 --> 00:03:16.650 Pak, Nicholas (ELS-SNG): The right content for different stages of education and for learning. 20 00:03:18.960 --> 00:03:33.630 Pak, Nicholas (ELS-SNG): So we observed that 78% of all emphasis they do interdisciplinary research 90% of users, agreeing that what they benefit from using books and journals and over 6.3 million books and journals were used to get it in the same session. 21 00:03:36.000 --> 00:03:43.620 Pak, Nicholas (ELS-SNG): to walk you through on this um I think it's actually very crucial to for you to understand what we are doing in the back end. 22 00:03:44.670 --> 00:04:02.190 Pak, Nicholas (ELS-SNG): So the platform that you see on site survey is really a combination of multiple people with different expertise we work together with our peers from the SEM the science, technology and a medical journal team to make sure that content is constantly being developed. 23 00:04:03.270 --> 00:04:06.150 Pak, Nicholas (ELS-SNG): And we have approximately about 2.5 million authors. 24 00:04:07.290 --> 00:04:10.230 Pak, Nicholas (ELS-SNG): Where we have over 1 million reviewers this entire. 25 00:04:11.640 --> 00:04:18.840 Pak, Nicholas (ELS-SNG): ecosystem is very important in ensuring the 2 million articles are coming over to Elsevier each and every single year. 26 00:04:20.820 --> 00:04:27.720 Pak, Nicholas (ELS-SNG): So some of you will be asking you one thing hey i've just submitted my articles to Elsevier So why is it i'm rejected all the time. 27 00:04:28.170 --> 00:04:33.000 Pak, Nicholas (ELS-SNG): And the answer to that is simple you're not rejected all the time, because we actually accept up to. 28 00:04:33.630 --> 00:04:40.830 Pak, Nicholas (ELS-SNG): publish up this almost 550,000 articles every single year, so it's probably maybe just two quarters of the time right. 29 00:04:41.670 --> 00:04:50.130 Pak, Nicholas (ELS-SNG): Well, that percentage seems a lot when you think about it with 2 million articles coming into Elsevier all the time, we need to very carefully. 30 00:04:50.490 --> 00:04:59.340 Pak, Nicholas (ELS-SNG): To read the information to make sure that content is an excellent quality, which is why the peer review process that you see on the top right corner, is so important. 31 00:04:59.910 --> 00:05:07.470 Pak, Nicholas (ELS-SNG): i've spoken to editors before, and the one thing that they always tell us is that they spend the most time at that define the best peer review was. 32 00:05:08.730 --> 00:05:19.440 Pak, Nicholas (ELS-SNG): Who would be the optimal fit to review the journal itself the article itself so that's very important and, as a result, we have over 7 million author publisher communications every single year. 33 00:05:20.790 --> 00:05:28.290 Pak, Nicholas (ELS-SNG): We have over 550,000 articles published on science in 2020 and we have over a billion dollars every single year. 34 00:05:29.280 --> 00:05:46.530 Pak, Nicholas (ELS-SNG): So on a technology perspective, we make the content available so that readers are able to have up to the platform uptime of 99.82% all the time, so to make sure that your ongoing seamless access to content, which is always important and crucial. 35 00:05:50.010 --> 00:05:51.420 Pak, Nicholas (ELS-SNG): I thought this might interest you. 36 00:05:52.470 --> 00:06:02.010 Pak, Nicholas (ELS-SNG): We do often a lot of analysis on our back end and one of the things that we always track would be to see how relevant our content is so from a global perspective. 37 00:06:02.520 --> 00:06:08.880 Pak, Nicholas (ELS-SNG): Elsevier publishers, maybe about 70% of the world's total total content, but from the entire. 38 00:06:09.420 --> 00:06:18.630 Pak, Nicholas (ELS-SNG): Publication source, we realize it over 25% of references are actually coming from Elsevier so even though Elsevier is publishing only 70% of content. 39 00:06:19.050 --> 00:06:35.370 Pak, Nicholas (ELS-SNG): 25% of references are coming from Elsevier right and in terms of total global citations we observed that 25% of citations are from Elsevier content, so this shows really how important it translates for what in the world of scholarly research. 40 00:06:37.650 --> 00:06:47.940 Pak, Nicholas (ELS-SNG): So one thing that we want to emphasize on in terms of supporting students in learning is to understand and to develop knowledge and to improve on practice right. 41 00:06:48.780 --> 00:07:00.990 Pak, Nicholas (ELS-SNG): So it's very important to have a baseline knowledge you're already getting knowledge in coursework and the question is how do you make this streamlined and meaningful, how do we develop this to be good practice. 42 00:07:03.330 --> 00:07:06.420 Pak, Nicholas (ELS-SNG): So, to help students, improve and to succeed in science, literacy. 43 00:07:07.530 --> 00:07:16.680 Pak, Nicholas (ELS-SNG): We really want to always emphasize accordingly in terms of knowledge right so students can beat knowledge through basic scientific facts. 44 00:07:17.400 --> 00:07:31.440 Pak, Nicholas (ELS-SNG): The important practice he wants to develop hears us get them to ask questions and to define problems they can easily identify patterns, but the better way to also develop this be for them to analyze and interpret data. 45 00:07:33.570 --> 00:07:44.460 Pak, Nicholas (ELS-SNG): is also crucial for them to understand cause and effect in terms of understanding what's the mechanism and to know how to explain this but also be able to construct explanations is crucial as well. 46 00:07:45.570 --> 00:07:54.210 Pak, Nicholas (ELS-SNG): We want to help them to develop systems and system models and we also want to get them to develop the practice of engaging an argument from evidence. 47 00:07:55.290 --> 00:08:03.930 Pak, Nicholas (ELS-SNG): At this point, they will be able to develop structures and functions, but the more important practice would be for them to obtain evaluate and to communicate information. 48 00:08:05.340 --> 00:08:13.440 Pak, Nicholas (ELS-SNG): So we all really boils down to this right and science right, we want to get used to get them to use this to develop scientific practices, I think it's really crucial yeah. 49 00:08:14.130 --> 00:08:29.670 Pak, Nicholas (ELS-SNG): So in this case in terms of asking questions and defining problems you support them by introducing literature review methods in terms of the analysis and interpretation of data, this will be in terms of discussion and conclusion in the research paper. 50 00:08:31.620 --> 00:08:44.820 Pak, Nicholas (ELS-SNG): Constructing explanations using evidence is true research results and discussions engaging arguments from evidence will be to introduce them to the scientific question to start up the discussion and the conclusion. 51 00:08:45.930 --> 00:08:57.900 Pak, Nicholas (ELS-SNG): And to obtain evaluate and to communicate information in terms of understand the implications, the citations and references, so we can see this entire cycle that you're very aware of in the research papers that. 52 00:08:58.470 --> 00:09:07.860 Pak, Nicholas (ELS-SNG): Everyone has to right right and the library is able to support your end users to this means by talking about science direct as well, because we can find all this content available. 53 00:09:10.650 --> 00:09:10.980 Pak, Nicholas (ELS-SNG): So. 54 00:09:12.030 --> 00:09:16.020 Pak, Nicholas (ELS-SNG): To talk about the content available on science right there was actually a whole range of them. 55 00:09:16.680 --> 00:09:26.880 Pak, Nicholas (ELS-SNG): Because we really offer a lot of cross linkage and advanced technology so that you're able to find information to your point of meat, so we have content like major reference books. 56 00:09:27.360 --> 00:09:36.930 Pak, Nicholas (ELS-SNG): Science topics we have journals where you can bring you a new cutting edge findings do your research with ebooks and monographs as well as serious serious as an books. 57 00:09:39.660 --> 00:09:49.320 Pak, Nicholas (ELS-SNG): Most of you know about journals right in terms of primary research in terms of journal articles and reviewed journals but let's talk quickly about books as well because books. 58 00:09:49.710 --> 00:10:00.090 Pak, Nicholas (ELS-SNG): really allow excerpt undergraduates in understanding the in depth knowledge of the topic itself book series will be talking about in depth explorations and methods in a few. 59 00:10:00.810 --> 00:10:06.090 Pak, Nicholas (ELS-SNG): monographs we'll talk about advanced detailed descriptions provisioning depth in subject areas. 60 00:10:06.930 --> 00:10:24.960 Pak, Nicholas (ELS-SNG): That also competitive information for techniques for few work to show quick answers on a job and we also have textbooks with which is a pedagogical examining examination of key subject areas, as well as major reference words which are comprehensive foundational introduction to a discipline. 61 00:10:26.130 --> 00:10:29.550 Pak, Nicholas (ELS-SNG): We can see this being developed as a relevance of information with time. 62 00:10:31.980 --> 00:10:33.510 Pak, Nicholas (ELS-SNG): so quickly about the scalability. 63 00:10:34.920 --> 00:10:40.620 Pak, Nicholas (ELS-SNG): So some of you who have been using science, or it for a long time would probably know that science right looks quite different now right. 64 00:10:41.640 --> 00:10:50.070 Pak, Nicholas (ELS-SNG): This is part of our ongoing upgrades to our interface, because we really want to help researchers, students and office to be able to switch. 65 00:10:51.750 --> 00:10:55.230 Pak, Nicholas (ELS-SNG): So we have multiple such few stick me a platform advanced searches. 66 00:10:57.180 --> 00:11:01.650 Pak, Nicholas (ELS-SNG): You would suggest publications to you in the recommend science or a recommender. 67 00:11:02.760 --> 00:11:13.380 Pak, Nicholas (ELS-SNG): You allow you to filter for open access and open archive content, and we also show you more information about your journals homepage and i'll cover that in more detail subsequently. 68 00:11:16.590 --> 00:11:20.610 Pak, Nicholas (ELS-SNG): Most of you may probably have a science or account right and for those of you not. 69 00:11:21.720 --> 00:11:35.160 Pak, Nicholas (ELS-SNG): it's very simple create one you can set up alerts in such as you can receive recommendations, you can access your reading history, and you can access science remotely i'll cite your institutional IP range to self manage access. 70 00:11:37.740 --> 00:11:49.860 Pak, Nicholas (ELS-SNG): I won't spend too much time on you, creating your user ID because I believe most of you are really do it right so but i'm when i'm walk you through quickly or how can search on science direct, so we have the new advanced search. 71 00:11:51.240 --> 00:12:03.270 Pak, Nicholas (ELS-SNG): platform, so now you're able to search by author affiliation and Article type, you can search for open access, you can check out publications, you can filter for folio numbers set such as a w them as a csv file. 72 00:12:06.390 --> 00:12:12.270 Pak, Nicholas (ELS-SNG): So, most of you probably also would be would probably not have a boolean operators and premium content right. 73 00:12:14.280 --> 00:12:25.110 Pak, Nicholas (ELS-SNG): So, first and foremost, we want to run through such methodologies, I will always encourage students our end users to use such topics that are related to your research topic this. 74 00:12:26.070 --> 00:12:35.910 Pak, Nicholas (ELS-SNG): You can include alternate words and abbreviations, you want to avoid whatsapp to general and you also want to leverage on boolean operators, which includes an all and not. 75 00:12:37.050 --> 00:12:47.100 Pak, Nicholas (ELS-SNG): boolean operators harbor have to be entered in uppercase right and the President is follows is as follows, his first not then N and then or. 76 00:12:49.590 --> 00:12:55.380 Pak, Nicholas (ELS-SNG): So what's the difference between the three i'm going to start with an office because and it's probably the most commonly use. 77 00:12:56.370 --> 00:13:04.740 Pak, Nicholas (ELS-SNG): It finds all the documents that contains of the terms, so you should use a distance and the terms must appear and they can be far apart from one another. 78 00:13:05.100 --> 00:13:13.530 Pak, Nicholas (ELS-SNG): So you have geographic information system, as well as urban sustainability, so it will give for climate change you're looking for climate and change right. 79 00:13:15.030 --> 00:13:28.050 Pak, Nicholas (ELS-SNG): Or we define documents which contains any of the temps so you use this when you want to expand the search so needless to say, going back and narrow the search, because in this case you're looking for specific work combinations. 80 00:13:28.710 --> 00:13:40.440 Pak, Nicholas (ELS-SNG): or allows you to expand, because now you're able to look for more combinations such as synonyms alternate spellings or abbreviations so you're looking for, say, a mouse mouse or a pickle mouse. 81 00:13:41.160 --> 00:13:48.450 Pak, Nicholas (ELS-SNG): The other one that you can look at would be for see if you're looking for professors Stephen w hawking you can look for his permutations in his name as well. 82 00:13:50.190 --> 00:13:59.460 Pak, Nicholas (ELS-SNG): Not operator excludes documents, which includes the specific term from the search us not to exclude specific terms and the collector must be used at the MSM. 83 00:14:00.000 --> 00:14:09.210 Pak, Nicholas (ELS-SNG): So you will give a particle collisions and not theoretical right so not in a way carves out of it and exclusive in time is execution device. 84 00:14:11.250 --> 00:14:16.950 Pak, Nicholas (ELS-SNG): I yep you're getting into that so the next part i'll be talking about wild cards and Asterix. 85 00:14:17.970 --> 00:14:24.840 Pak, Nicholas (ELS-SNG): So it's just me us at the end of a word to represent see what are more correctness, and this is what we call truncation operator. 86 00:14:25.770 --> 00:14:31.320 Pak, Nicholas (ELS-SNG): So if you're looking for, say farmer Asterix you will be able to find out the whole range of them right. 87 00:14:31.650 --> 00:14:40.770 Pak, Nicholas (ELS-SNG): So he's from zero or more characters in this case you look for pharma pharmacy pharmacists pharmaceutical pharmaceutical from a kinetic from a good dynamic. 88 00:14:41.160 --> 00:14:51.480 Pak, Nicholas (ELS-SNG): From a cool villages that's exactly right, you can use to walk operators in three views on the forum fuse the mains search box that such as on the text itself. 89 00:14:51.960 --> 00:15:07.350 Pak, Nicholas (ELS-SNG): The title abstract and keyword search, as well as the title few but outside techy what's before truncated Asterix, for instance ABC Asterix supported by a bee Asterix is not supported, because this would give you too many noise, as a result. 90 00:15:08.520 --> 00:15:17.370 Pak, Nicholas (ELS-SNG): The search query can contain a maximum of 10 walcott's and be combined, combined with up to 20 boolean operators, including an or not, as well as parentheses. 91 00:15:19.080 --> 00:15:26.730 Pak, Nicholas (ELS-SNG): So it's quite straightforward right, you can search for it in the keyword box or under advanced search, you can look for title extract keywords and Title here. 92 00:15:29.040 --> 00:15:34.260 Pak, Nicholas (ELS-SNG): We we tried to allow you to build it with up to 20 boolean operators with up to 500 directors. 93 00:15:35.820 --> 00:15:42.330 Pak, Nicholas (ELS-SNG): So this is something that we can do a search on right um I don't think we really have time to run true exercise. 94 00:15:42.840 --> 00:15:54.180 Pak, Nicholas (ELS-SNG): Because we probably have to spend more time on scopus, but this is some of the quick updates that we have brought up again with an ebook while cut operators and Asterix and advanced search, so this should be better for you. 95 00:15:55.440 --> 00:16:05.130 Pak, Nicholas (ELS-SNG): The other thing that we also have been working on would be on the index pitch so now, you can go to the content itself searching you click on journals and books on our homepage. 96 00:16:05.580 --> 00:16:19.290 Pak, Nicholas (ELS-SNG): We now have a boss pitch that allows better search capabilities and grow our competition, so you can refine publications by domain and the sub domain types, you can look for the types of publications and the types of access. 97 00:16:22.980 --> 00:16:27.750 Pak, Nicholas (ELS-SNG): One of the things that we also have been working on to improve is to improve on our channel homepages. 98 00:16:28.800 --> 00:16:35.760 Pak, Nicholas (ELS-SNG): We used to have a lot of content on our journal homepage Now you can find even more right So if you want to know more about general. 99 00:16:36.060 --> 00:16:42.180 Pak, Nicholas (ELS-SNG): journal itself go to the homepage you'll be able to find more information, like tactical like impact factor. 100 00:16:42.990 --> 00:16:51.630 Pak, Nicholas (ELS-SNG): You have the guide for office, which is something I always encourage Librarians to showcase to the students and uses, because now for the guide, you can walk them through. 101 00:16:52.080 --> 00:17:02.550 Pak, Nicholas (ELS-SNG): A lot of detail the journal of cleaner production is why is the top most published journal by researchers in Malaysia I think it's very interesting to observe that, and I think it's great. 102 00:17:03.930 --> 00:17:09.210 Pak, Nicholas (ELS-SNG): there's a lot of details inside it on how you can write a cover letter, what are the requirements needed. 103 00:17:10.260 --> 00:17:22.530 Pak, Nicholas (ELS-SNG): How address different components of it, and what you pay attention to so feel free to go to the general home pages, I think it's really powerful gift really spent a lot of effort to improve and updated the contents excellent. 104 00:17:25.500 --> 00:17:28.710 Pak, Nicholas (ELS-SNG): The next part that I think you're probably aware, will be on science direct homepage. 105 00:17:29.820 --> 00:17:43.350 Pak, Nicholas (ELS-SNG): This is something that we have really use technologies to really grow, so we use a combination of Ai machine learning algorithms and natural language processing tools to build a bridge between books and journals right to get. 106 00:17:43.920 --> 00:17:49.380 Pak, Nicholas (ELS-SNG): Comprehensive in that disciplinary knowledge to answer the research questions to get them up to speed. 107 00:17:50.970 --> 00:18:00.570 Pak, Nicholas (ELS-SNG): So now you're able to get information at your fingertips you're able to get curated relevant and accurate peer review content and clear path to discovery. 108 00:18:00.990 --> 00:18:06.870 Pak, Nicholas (ELS-SNG): So how topic pages would look like, essentially in the next page which i'll show you is that. 109 00:18:07.350 --> 00:18:16.320 Pak, Nicholas (ELS-SNG): You look at one right you'd be able to find out what the topic is about you'd be able to find out what the related terms are and then you get to find more in depth content. 110 00:18:16.890 --> 00:18:26.010 Pak, Nicholas (ELS-SNG): So you get contextual information, the way I would say, and point this out is that topics is essentially like Wikipedia peer reviewed right and it's really powerful. 111 00:18:26.940 --> 00:18:35.910 Pak, Nicholas (ELS-SNG): We also have up together with Google, so that if you're looking for specific key science direct topics, if you type them in you will pop up on Google as well. 112 00:18:36.240 --> 00:18:44.400 Pak, Nicholas (ELS-SNG): And just be interesting for them for students to find out more information to go back to the original content, which is the House of your content that you've subscribed to. 113 00:18:46.260 --> 00:18:54.390 Pak, Nicholas (ELS-SNG): So now you're able to understand unfamiliar terms and concepts right so, for instance, the workflow be if you're looking for an article in a neuroscience journal. 114 00:18:54.930 --> 00:19:01.770 Pak, Nicholas (ELS-SNG): And there was a top pick caught amygdala and you one thing you realize is all these topics are highlighted. 115 00:19:02.460 --> 00:19:11.700 Pak, Nicholas (ELS-SNG): In the hyperlink you click on this and then you go to this page and then you're able to find out more, but I mean data related topics and the content related and associated with it. 116 00:19:13.890 --> 00:19:16.440 Pak, Nicholas (ELS-SNG): So I think the sensory puppets is also really powerful. 117 00:19:17.520 --> 00:19:31.710 Pak, Nicholas (ELS-SNG): The other thing that we also encourage you to do is to create a user profile so you're able to have personalized recommendations, based on your recent sign in activity and this book curated and will be sent to you every single week. 118 00:19:33.480 --> 00:19:45.150 Pak, Nicholas (ELS-SNG): I think this is really useful and we are very positive feedback about this new tool and it's just better because now we have over 18 billion articles you're able to get information pushed up to you as well. 119 00:19:46.770 --> 00:19:58.770 Pak, Nicholas (ELS-SNG): But, of course, your you will still be able to maintain and keep your own alerts right, so you can always choose to sign up for alerts and then you can set up when you would like to receive alerts and on what frequency. 120 00:20:01.350 --> 00:20:12.300 Pak, Nicholas (ELS-SNG): Another thing that we have developed will be reading history, so that it keeps you updated on the top 100 most recent articles that you have viewed, so this actually allows you to keep it more active as well. 121 00:20:14.010 --> 00:20:20.250 Pak, Nicholas (ELS-SNG): We also have been trying to make sure that it's easier for you to export your literature on to mentally, which is a reference manager workflow. 122 00:20:20.580 --> 00:20:28.860 Pak, Nicholas (ELS-SNG): So you can just simply go to the science direct general page click on add to mentally and you'll be able to add this content over to your page, as well as your reference manager. 123 00:20:30.930 --> 00:20:48.000 Pak, Nicholas (ELS-SNG): So some of you probably would be aware of API integration so For those of you who are interested, you can approach me upon me me as well if you'd like to get an API key as well, so this is something that we do and regenerate because we know how crucial API is as of the moment. 124 00:20:50.580 --> 00:21:00.480 Pak, Nicholas (ELS-SNG): We also have improving our security, you probably be aware that most of the time now yeah actually very quick in shutting down but downloads. 125 00:21:00.750 --> 00:21:12.030 Pak, Nicholas (ELS-SNG): If someone is misbehaving in the odd pattern, so I don't think we actually have had to do that, very often, if you itm so it shows just how well you guys are managing your content and security but it's something that we do have. 126 00:21:13.290 --> 00:21:22.590 Pak, Nicholas (ELS-SNG): We also have been working on our support Center so now you'll be able to get questions answered much prompt as well, but not to worry i'll still be around to assist you guys. 127 00:21:24.450 --> 00:21:29.430 Pak, Nicholas (ELS-SNG): So another thing that i'm some of you probably know, will be the Elsevier journal Finder. 128 00:21:30.510 --> 00:21:41.040 Pak, Nicholas (ELS-SNG): So if you want to find information about research article it's very simple type in your paper your title your abstract and putting the keywords narrow it down by a few of research and. 129 00:21:42.450 --> 00:21:45.330 Pak, Nicholas (ELS-SNG): you'll be able to actually come up with a whole range of. 130 00:21:46.470 --> 00:21:47.250 Pak, Nicholas (ELS-SNG): journals. 131 00:21:48.630 --> 00:22:01.440 Pak, Nicholas (ELS-SNG): that we think is actually suitable for your needs so this goes on very smoothly, with the next topic that will be talking about which is on scopus and how you can use metrics on school bus to support your user needs, but I think. 132 00:22:02.460 --> 00:22:13.740 Pak, Nicholas (ELS-SNG): What you can also do is to click on the journals in this Elsevier journal pages and then you'll be able to find out more information and to find about submission time the publication time of the journal itself. 133 00:22:16.590 --> 00:22:26.130 Pak, Nicholas (ELS-SNG): So for more information quickly i'll share this link with you, you can find out more information about remote access you'll be able to find out more details about the science literacy. 134 00:22:27.570 --> 00:22:30.090 Pak, Nicholas (ELS-SNG): coursework workshop platform that was talking about as well. 135 00:22:31.050 --> 00:22:41.460 Pak, Nicholas (ELS-SNG): So at this point i'm going to take a quick break and for you to type in any questions that you may have on science direct I definitely went really fast, this time around, but I think. 136 00:22:42.000 --> 00:22:51.660 Pak, Nicholas (ELS-SNG): it's probably better for us to have more Q amp a after i've shown you guys see updates so yeah let's take a quick five minutes here and i'll try to answer, whatever questions that you may have. 137 00:23:12.780 --> 00:23:17.790 Pak, Nicholas (ELS-SNG): Okay, so i'm guessing that Dan no questions on science right because it's been quite straightforward. 138 00:23:25.560 --> 00:23:26.490 Pak, Nicholas (ELS-SNG): All right, great. 139 00:23:29.310 --> 00:23:38.640 Pak, Nicholas (ELS-SNG): So the next one, I would say it's probably going to be a bit more comprehensive because it's about scopus so let me share my screen. 140 00:23:45.720 --> 00:23:48.090 Pak, Nicholas (ELS-SNG): Okay, so scope is itself. 141 00:23:49.260 --> 00:23:54.150 Pak, Nicholas (ELS-SNG): i'm assuming, let me see a quick show of hands, how many of you are familiar with scopus. 142 00:24:04.530 --> 00:24:21.510 Pak, Nicholas (ELS-SNG): couple of hands okay so today's session for school bus and went to there's been a lot of updates and improvements unscrupulous over the past year, so i'm not sure how many of you are aware of it, but this would be a good platform for us to catch up with one another. 143 00:24:23.520 --> 00:24:29.580 Pak, Nicholas (ELS-SNG): In today's session i'll be talking to you about the quality of journals and focus on the content, there is being index on it. 144 00:24:30.150 --> 00:24:46.620 Pak, Nicholas (ELS-SNG): how you can identify which ones are currently available in scopus how you can search on scopus how you can manage a guy or the profile and author profile corrections on scopus I want you to quickly on general metrics as well as Article level metrics. 145 00:24:55.560 --> 00:25:01.500 Pak, Nicholas (ELS-SNG): So Okay, I guess, we had now have a question we have access direct um all right, let me take a look that one partner so say. 146 00:25:06.780 --> 00:25:19.830 Pak, Nicholas (ELS-SNG): I would say just it's probably easier for you to well so mentally such love to look for all articles on mentally right science direct few it's only else of your content, so there are two different ways that you would like to approach this. 147 00:25:22.320 --> 00:25:26.850 Pak, Nicholas (ELS-SNG): Also mentally doesn't give you full text articles, which is what you itm subscribes to as well. 148 00:25:27.330 --> 00:25:34.290 Pak, Nicholas (ELS-SNG): So if you're looking for full text articles, maybe it would make more sense and looking specifically for Elsevier content which. 149 00:25:35.190 --> 00:25:40.080 Pak, Nicholas (ELS-SNG): I can definitely understand why you may want to actually just use science direct itself. 150 00:25:40.950 --> 00:25:50.250 Pak, Nicholas (ELS-SNG): So maybe i'll give, and this is actually a good chance that you brought this up right so maybe instead of such a mendeley what you want to do would be to search on scopus. 151 00:25:51.240 --> 00:26:06.270 Pak, Nicholas (ELS-SNG): And then now when you search on scope so you'll also be able to get a link which links to the content, which you it and subscribe to so maybe that will get a useful approach as well and, yes, on scopus you can leverage on the boolean operator cells talking about to. 152 00:26:07.980 --> 00:26:11.580 Pak, Nicholas (ELS-SNG): Okay, so going back to school bus itself yeah. 153 00:26:12.330 --> 00:26:19.830 Pak, Nicholas (ELS-SNG): yeah so that's good you can clarify with them right, you need to understand what the end users purpose is what are they looking for they're looking for full text articles. 154 00:26:20.130 --> 00:26:30.840 Pak, Nicholas (ELS-SNG): It is convenience then point into scopus right scopus gives them very, very in depth level of analysis as well, so they can make a very informed decision and that's what's today's session is all about. 155 00:26:32.160 --> 00:26:36.420 Pak, Nicholas (ELS-SNG): So i'm going to take a step back, because we talk about content on scopus. 156 00:26:37.110 --> 00:26:56.820 Pak, Nicholas (ELS-SNG): So scopus has been upgrading his content every single year now were frustrated with 75 million now it's about 83 million and it's crazy, so we have over 7000 publishers that we work with we have about 2000 25,750 wants to your titles and over 230 5000 books. 157 00:26:57.870 --> 00:27:04.620 Pak, Nicholas (ELS-SNG): With into 3 million items we now have 17 million other profiles and 80,000 official profiles. 158 00:27:06.450 --> 00:27:08.130 Pak, Nicholas (ELS-SNG): scope is is useful um. 159 00:27:09.270 --> 00:27:12.540 Pak, Nicholas (ELS-SNG): It allows uncovers a very broad range of researchers and. 160 00:27:13.680 --> 00:27:31.410 Pak, Nicholas (ELS-SNG): Use cases so firstly they're able to analyze which channels to read and to submit to the able to track a researchers impact and therefore now they know what whom and where to collaborate with the able to. 161 00:27:32.550 --> 00:27:50.040 Pak, Nicholas (ELS-SNG): track the impact of research and to monitor global research trends, at the same time, they can find current research to find out about what currently exists in research areas and they're also able to differentiate research topics and to find ideas to write their own research paper. 162 00:27:51.690 --> 00:27:56.100 Pak, Nicholas (ELS-SNG): And how we are able to do this, and this, the most status update content from July itself. 163 00:27:56.940 --> 00:28:04.530 Pak, Nicholas (ELS-SNG): We have about 3.5 million records from 26,000 titles hundred thousand conferences and 240,000 books. 164 00:28:04.950 --> 00:28:16.200 Pak, Nicholas (ELS-SNG): i'm not gonna read this all out right because this content this numbers, you probably able to digest it at once, but it really is a lot of content we work together with five major patent offices. 165 00:28:17.010 --> 00:28:25.770 Pak, Nicholas (ELS-SNG): Books focuses on social sciences and humanities conferences focus on engineering and computer sciences journals focuses on food tax. 166 00:28:28.530 --> 00:28:33.420 Pak, Nicholas (ELS-SNG): scopus works together with us times higher education to provision, a framework for evaluation. 167 00:28:33.930 --> 00:28:40.740 Pak, Nicholas (ELS-SNG): But something I encourage you to showcase to your students would be on publication and usage metrics right. 168 00:28:41.100 --> 00:28:58.290 Pak, Nicholas (ELS-SNG): They can then take a global view of the content, so they know which areas of research, they can try pursuing in, and we really want to emphasize that the content that's been index on scopus they are trusted so we all know that there was this research article published on spring and nature. 169 00:28:59.520 --> 00:29:05.340 Pak, Nicholas (ELS-SNG): Proximity in February this year, and there was a lot of uproar because of how controversial topic is right. 170 00:29:05.880 --> 00:29:13.050 Pak, Nicholas (ELS-SNG): They would say that oh i'm based on a study did in 2015 there were contents that was index on scopus that was predatory. 171 00:29:13.350 --> 00:29:24.390 Pak, Nicholas (ELS-SNG): So of course people would be alarmed, and I think we've really had about two sessions with you, I tm talking about how you can look for quality content I walk this true if you quickly later on intersection. 172 00:29:26.010 --> 00:29:40.230 Pak, Nicholas (ELS-SNG): But first, to show that content on scopus issue very highly we've got that is soo seen as a call Center and we have rankings like us university rankings Times Higher Education Shanghai itself home. 173 00:29:41.130 --> 00:29:49.410 Pak, Nicholas (ELS-SNG): In Asia Pacific we work together with pci in Thailand and rf in Korea we work together with manual technological University in Singapore. 174 00:29:49.830 --> 00:30:00.180 Pak, Nicholas (ELS-SNG): Beijing University in China and kale University in Japan so rest assured that content on scope is an excellent quality people trust us right. 175 00:30:00.510 --> 00:30:11.400 Pak, Nicholas (ELS-SNG): And you can see, we have some of the European commission's and ERC they work together with us the gentleman I fq the World Bank, the New Jersey economic development authority. 176 00:30:11.790 --> 00:30:22.110 Pak, Nicholas (ELS-SNG): Natural Science Foundation very crucial of in America as well right, this is some of our global collaborators that leverages on scopus data, so it really is a good sentence. 177 00:30:23.820 --> 00:30:39.180 Pak, Nicholas (ELS-SNG): How we are able to do this, is that we have about 4.5 billion terabytes of data stored in our repository which provides all the Meta data they need, so this includes author affiliation ID document title sauce citation counts and do. 178 00:30:41.430 --> 00:30:57.840 Pak, Nicholas (ELS-SNG): So it really is recognized by the coast and is recognized as a goal send it by over 5000 customers, which includes 150 research organizations that choose the scope as for research assessment, and this includes the Japanese science and technology agency and Financial Times. 179 00:30:59.760 --> 00:31:04.050 Pak, Nicholas (ELS-SNG): So how you want to access scopus content can be broken down into three ways school bus or calm. 180 00:31:04.470 --> 00:31:20.520 Pak, Nicholas (ELS-SNG): Similar sensor right the scope is API and the customer data so custom data is a lot less cousin data is very specific request that we generate for customers for a fee that's custom data is what we generate four times higher education and que es university rankings. 181 00:31:23.550 --> 00:31:28.080 Pak, Nicholas (ELS-SNG): But to talk about quality of content right because that's a very ongoing question. 182 00:31:29.550 --> 00:31:32.520 Pak, Nicholas (ELS-SNG): Less than half the titles are selected for scopus covers. 183 00:31:33.810 --> 00:31:36.240 Pak, Nicholas (ELS-SNG): The content selection Advisory Board, which is the real. 184 00:31:37.350 --> 00:31:48.090 Pak, Nicholas (ELS-SNG): arbiters that the judges yeah and the gatekeepers of the content on scopus the other ones was selective and strict on quality and the other ones who decide which content are actually indexed on scopus. 185 00:31:48.930 --> 00:31:58.830 Pak, Nicholas (ELS-SNG): So, to give you a quick example um we have about 3500 titles suggestions every year on average that only 40% meets the scopus minimum criteria. 186 00:31:59.430 --> 00:32:15.150 Pak, Nicholas (ELS-SNG): And from that 60% only 46% are accepted after the skits etc that review, so we, as a result only approximate by 630 titles are accepted every single year right, which means that probably maybe about. 187 00:32:16.380 --> 00:32:27.270 Pak, Nicholas (ELS-SNG): One fifth right of all the articles are coming through to scope as itself, so our guidelines are clear and transparent, you can find them on everywhere and i'll walk you through with them later on. 188 00:32:27.720 --> 00:32:39.810 Pak, Nicholas (ELS-SNG): But there's one right that's coming into to be indexed in scopus in the first place, but journalists our index in scopus there is a very rigorous evaluation process that you may or may not know. 189 00:32:40.830 --> 00:32:50.340 Pak, Nicholas (ELS-SNG): So every single year in the latest revaluation exercise about 263 underperforming titles were evaluated by the CSA between. 190 00:32:51.510 --> 00:33:04.710 Pak, Nicholas (ELS-SNG): 128 of these titles, they will continue to meet scopus criteria and the coverage will still continue but 51% no longer meet color selection criteria and the cabbage is discontinued. 191 00:33:06.270 --> 00:33:17.430 Pak, Nicholas (ELS-SNG): These are the people right, these are the content selection Advisory Board, you may recognize, some of them, you may not recognize, some of them, but they're all really excellent experts in the US with general editor experience. 192 00:33:20.820 --> 00:33:24.120 Pak, Nicholas (ELS-SNG): And this is why this ongoing evaluation process is so crucial. 193 00:33:25.290 --> 00:33:29.610 Pak, Nicholas (ELS-SNG): Because we always constantly want to make sure that content indexed on scopus is always kept up to date. 194 00:33:30.090 --> 00:33:40.740 Pak, Nicholas (ELS-SNG): One observation that we've made is that sometimes journals that index and scopus the core team a drop and after two years will discontinue with them right, so it really is something that we take very. 195 00:33:42.270 --> 00:33:49.020 Pak, Nicholas (ELS-SNG): conscious decision and care to make sure the content is always have excellent quality so. 196 00:33:50.220 --> 00:33:57.480 Pak, Nicholas (ELS-SNG): Some of your general editors in your team would want to know about this right um what is the criteria for scopus indexing. 197 00:33:58.320 --> 00:34:17.130 Pak, Nicholas (ELS-SNG): Firstly, for the title suggestion you need to first and foremost hit five criteria, it needs to be peer reviewed the abstracts needs to be written in English, it has to be published regularly in the room and script references and he also needs to have a petition ethics statement. 198 00:34:18.180 --> 00:34:28.830 Pak, Nicholas (ELS-SNG): it's only after you've reviewed this five technical criteria, then you have 14 selection criteria to consider which the CSA people that evaluate on in terms of general policy. 199 00:34:29.250 --> 00:34:37.350 Pak, Nicholas (ELS-SNG): In terms of content, quality in terms of general standing in terms of publication regularity, as well as online visibility. 200 00:34:38.100 --> 00:34:51.300 Pak, Nicholas (ELS-SNG): So this five topics are very important right because you have to get convincing editorial concepts and policies to have very consistent peer review and the diverse geographic distribution of editors that's Part One 201 00:34:52.260 --> 00:35:06.540 Pak, Nicholas (ELS-SNG): But content is also very important content shows the academic contribution to the field, you need your APP your abstract seem to be written clearly the work itself has to be a certain quality to align with the image and scope of the journal. 202 00:35:08.490 --> 00:35:12.210 Pak, Nicholas (ELS-SNG): journal sending where happens and it's established when there is. 203 00:35:13.740 --> 00:35:22.320 Pak, Nicholas (ELS-SNG): The editors itself out of a certain reputation and standing the attitude is quite straightforward, it needs to be published regularly. 204 00:35:22.770 --> 00:35:34.380 Pak, Nicholas (ELS-SNG): You also need to have an English language homepage so one question that I always get, is it possible that scopus will index a journal, that is a written in bahasa molly right and my answer is yes. 205 00:35:35.100 --> 00:35:45.990 Pak, Nicholas (ELS-SNG): You can it will be index it probably has been index, the only caveat is that your abstracts need to be written in English your journal homepage needs to be written in English right that's the baseline criteria. 206 00:35:49.320 --> 00:35:54.900 Pak, Nicholas (ELS-SNG): So one day school bus is commented two words is to create a curated data set of scholarly content. 207 00:35:56.370 --> 00:36:07.140 Pak, Nicholas (ELS-SNG): We need to make sure that the journal selection is based on general level daytime performance and we monitor and deselect titles that are considered as predatory or below sentence there's something that we do. 208 00:36:08.340 --> 00:36:23.220 Pak, Nicholas (ELS-SNG): But the one thing that we don't do, and we cannot do is that we cannot intervene on editorial autonomy, so at the end of the day, editorial decisions on the quality of articles and conferences, is based on the journal editor himself or herself. 209 00:36:24.420 --> 00:36:33.600 Pak, Nicholas (ELS-SNG): And the content of articles and abstracts to be included and database, we cannot interfere with that, because this is pushed over to us by the publisher. 210 00:36:34.260 --> 00:36:47.790 Pak, Nicholas (ELS-SNG): Of the general that was indexed we could not intervene on terms of a micro detail in terms of plagiarism and publication malpractice of individual articles now can we intervene on the authorship of the paper. 211 00:36:48.660 --> 00:36:57.360 Pak, Nicholas (ELS-SNG): So the reason why this is structured this way is because it's in terms of a macro level and a micro level so scopus works to get of the publishers. 212 00:36:58.260 --> 00:37:06.540 Pak, Nicholas (ELS-SNG): And the editors of the journal, that is where we were at on a granular level as to how the channel is being managed that one, we cannot interview. 213 00:37:06.990 --> 00:37:15.990 Pak, Nicholas (ELS-SNG): So hopefully you understand what segregation between both layers but, that being said, if you know if you find that there's publication more practice occurring. 214 00:37:17.040 --> 00:37:29.130 Pak, Nicholas (ELS-SNG): On knowingly and on a structural basis without a policy to stop this cough cases scopus will then flat reevaluate and potentially discontinued titles there's something there's a guarantee from our end. 215 00:37:32.460 --> 00:37:43.200 Pak, Nicholas (ELS-SNG): So people will ask us as well, why is it that you know Q4 journals as students in and out in scopus and answer simple it doesn't mean that they have lower than average performance, therefore, they have no. 216 00:37:44.520 --> 00:37:51.090 Pak, Nicholas (ELS-SNG): relevance or pertinence to recession long right they could still be relevant to cover in the future right. 217 00:37:51.450 --> 00:38:01.170 Pak, Nicholas (ELS-SNG): For instance, we talked about miss journals where research published in this journals could be of high quality at the journals to not necessarily need to be removed from scopus right. 218 00:38:01.830 --> 00:38:11.850 Pak, Nicholas (ELS-SNG): um another example that we have will be in terms of predatory journals which are a threat to science this one's will be avoided, to be covered in scopus so. 219 00:38:13.620 --> 00:38:25.920 Pak, Nicholas (ELS-SNG): journals and to the in scopus will benefit from why the global visibility with resulting crease of impact, quality and sometimes this doesn't happen because the general does index may become predatory eventually. 220 00:38:27.930 --> 00:38:39.060 Pak, Nicholas (ELS-SNG): So when you're making decisions about research is very important that is based on data we can trust right, and this is why scope is sees predatory journals as a threat to the integrity and science in general. 221 00:38:39.870 --> 00:38:46.830 Pak, Nicholas (ELS-SNG): But at the same time, we know that predatory publishing is very Gray it's subject to personal interpretation so. 222 00:38:47.280 --> 00:38:59.520 Pak, Nicholas (ELS-SNG): The independent review of individual journals by the academic subject experts is very crucial, this is why we don't have really have a white list or blacklist right we know this is very tenuous and it's not straightforward. 223 00:39:01.980 --> 00:39:09.930 Pak, Nicholas (ELS-SNG): But one thing we want to show you today is how the entire process goes about so if you're looking to nominate a. 224 00:39:11.040 --> 00:39:20.640 Pak, Nicholas (ELS-SNG): Article a journal to be indexed in scopus first and foremost, would be the title suggestion face right publishers or editors would push forward with Title suggestion from. 225 00:39:23.430 --> 00:39:24.210 Pak, Nicholas (ELS-SNG): will check it. 226 00:39:25.380 --> 00:39:33.330 Pak, Nicholas (ELS-SNG): And then we will validate the title by observing the newly such as title you use the scopus minimum criteria check we give you feedback. 227 00:39:33.630 --> 00:39:41.550 Pak, Nicholas (ELS-SNG): If it's met congratulations thing goes on to the title enrichment stage but, however, it is not accepted and is rejected. 228 00:39:42.000 --> 00:39:48.000 Pak, Nicholas (ELS-SNG): Then there's a problem, and while I would say it's a problem, but then there'll be embargo period of about three to five years. 229 00:39:48.480 --> 00:39:54.090 Pak, Nicholas (ELS-SNG): At the question is, some of you saying wow that's very harsh and the answer is yes it's meant to be harsh because we won. 230 00:39:54.810 --> 00:40:04.350 Pak, Nicholas (ELS-SNG): Publishers and editors to submit your journal to be index only when the channel is ready, otherwise someone who gets rejected or just submit again and again and again. 231 00:40:04.770 --> 00:40:12.330 Pak, Nicholas (ELS-SNG): And this is really a drain on resources, especially the content selection advisory boards time so there's some that you should probably know about. 232 00:40:13.740 --> 00:40:22.290 Pak, Nicholas (ELS-SNG): But titles who make it true, the validation the title will be enriched right, and you will be made it's given suggestions to be even better than before. 233 00:40:23.220 --> 00:40:35.280 Pak, Nicholas (ELS-SNG): This is why there is a local bought pre selection and a local bar review and it's only then that the CSA be refuted the subject chair would take a look at it and then you'll get feedback to suggestions. 234 00:40:38.580 --> 00:40:40.260 Pak, Nicholas (ELS-SNG): We talked about ongoing creation. 235 00:40:41.580 --> 00:40:46.140 Pak, Nicholas (ELS-SNG): We discontinued titles when we get direct feedback from users on poor performing journals. 236 00:40:46.650 --> 00:40:54.420 Pak, Nicholas (ELS-SNG): When there's an identification of poor performing journals using metrics and benchmarks and we use a reader to predict journals with outline performance. 237 00:40:55.170 --> 00:40:59.070 Pak, Nicholas (ELS-SNG): And then it will then be reviewed and reevaluate it by this, yes, a B team. 238 00:40:59.790 --> 00:41:11.460 Pak, Nicholas (ELS-SNG): And the content curation team, so this is something that we actually do on our end to make sure that our content is constantly always updated and have high quality right, this is something that I thought they should probably know as well. 239 00:41:16.800 --> 00:41:27.630 Pak, Nicholas (ELS-SNG): So we always track it accordingly based on two years benchmarking, so if the first year, the performance is not good enough, then we are constantly analyze it. 240 00:41:28.260 --> 00:41:36.690 Pak, Nicholas (ELS-SNG): It either performs for two consecutive years and row the CSA be with then reevaluate the title, based on the selection criteria and then. 241 00:41:38.010 --> 00:41:39.540 Pak, Nicholas (ELS-SNG): It will be flagged for consent. 242 00:41:40.590 --> 00:41:44.370 Pak, Nicholas (ELS-SNG): Something which we call as continuation of the flow happens. 243 00:41:45.780 --> 00:41:54.840 Pak, Nicholas (ELS-SNG): When general fuser criteria, but something that you're also aware of this and i've gotten this, many of them are many times from you, it and Librarians is. 244 00:41:55.290 --> 00:42:11.550 Pak, Nicholas (ELS-SNG): Why is it that sometimes journals are discontinued in scopus right does it mean a discontinue general on scopus is predatory it does not just means that sometimes is outperforming sometimes it's not good enough standard and the reasons why the forward flow has been stopped. 245 00:42:15.630 --> 00:42:15.930 Pak, Nicholas (ELS-SNG): Okay. 246 00:42:17.100 --> 00:42:22.230 Pak, Nicholas (ELS-SNG): question here would be, how do we identify which journals I in scopus and I get this very, very often. 247 00:42:22.860 --> 00:42:30.360 Pak, Nicholas (ELS-SNG): So we spend maybe about 20 minutes talking about content right, and I would say to understand and to find out which journals are students scopus. 248 00:42:30.840 --> 00:42:41.760 Pak, Nicholas (ELS-SNG): Very simple, you can go to sources on the scope is.com page click on the scope is down list and then you'll be able to find and this is now updated on a monthly basis right. 249 00:42:42.690 --> 00:42:57.540 Pak, Nicholas (ELS-SNG): you're able to find which journals a newly index in scopus and which journals have been discontinued in scopus and which journals are currently active in scopus yep so please use the scope of source this I think it's really useful take a look at it. 250 00:43:00.090 --> 00:43:17.100 Pak, Nicholas (ELS-SNG): So the other question that people get would be what happens when there's a decision to be discontinued so whenever the journal is discontinued the publisher is always in front of the decision, they have to be right, so the publisher doesn't share the news then that's a problem. 251 00:43:18.600 --> 00:43:20.370 Pak, Nicholas (ELS-SNG): But we also highlighted accordingly. 252 00:43:21.540 --> 00:43:30.150 Pak, Nicholas (ELS-SNG): So when this continuation of Title office, no new content is editor scopus right, except for journalists, a flag, because of publication Constance. 253 00:43:31.080 --> 00:43:39.090 Pak, Nicholas (ELS-SNG): Content that's always been in that desperate index remain as a matter of scientific record to make sure that everything is stable and consistent. 254 00:43:39.630 --> 00:43:50.190 Pak, Nicholas (ELS-SNG): But in exceptional cases of proven severe and ethical practice them content indexing scopus will then be removed as I scroll will not be given for discontinued titles. 255 00:43:54.120 --> 00:43:56.820 Pak, Nicholas (ELS-SNG): Something that we've tried to do now is to encourage. 256 00:43:58.050 --> 00:44:04.530 Pak, Nicholas (ELS-SNG): Librarians and students to find out how they can look for journals better right with this couple of steps one. 257 00:44:05.010 --> 00:44:18.240 Pak, Nicholas (ELS-SNG): Students and users authors can ask colleagues and peers for the recommendations, they can get insights from supervisors mentors and author said they are reading or they can find you to get a consultation on how to choose a good general to publish in. 258 00:44:19.590 --> 00:44:27.510 Pak, Nicholas (ELS-SNG): But I will also point out that as Librarians you can probably guide them to look at the article said authors and students have published before. 259 00:44:28.290 --> 00:44:35.970 Pak, Nicholas (ELS-SNG): You can get into look at the generals reference in the bibliography in the few, you can also search for authors in the future and discover whether you're publishing in. 260 00:44:38.880 --> 00:44:43.770 Pak, Nicholas (ELS-SNG): And you should always start with the end in mind right, what is the end purpose was the end game so. 261 00:44:44.400 --> 00:44:51.510 Pak, Nicholas (ELS-SNG): ask these questions to the students, what is the manuscript form it would it be a research article, a conference proceedings or review paper. 262 00:44:52.140 --> 00:45:00.630 Pak, Nicholas (ELS-SNG): Do they want to publish an open access or they want to publish in a subscription general are they looking for titles, with a multi disciplinary focus. 263 00:45:01.170 --> 00:45:10.830 Pak, Nicholas (ELS-SNG): or an interdisciplinary one and sometimes you have to ask if you want to publish a specific publisher if they want to publish research data outputs alongside the article. 264 00:45:12.630 --> 00:45:20.910 Pak, Nicholas (ELS-SNG): And then there are seven steps to consider right, you need to ask yourself is a manuscript the right fit for the journal or their funder or institutional Mendez to consider. 265 00:45:21.750 --> 00:45:28.680 Pak, Nicholas (ELS-SNG): Is a general visible in the communities that they want to reach is that a reasonable chance of acceptance. 266 00:45:29.310 --> 00:45:37.620 Pak, Nicholas (ELS-SNG): Is the general index and the relevant data basis what the general metrics review and it's the general reputable that's it practice robust peer review. 267 00:45:37.890 --> 00:45:47.340 Pak, Nicholas (ELS-SNG): This was several questions right, you can share this with your researchers and your students to make sure they understand how crucial it is and how they can choose a good general to publish in. 268 00:45:48.780 --> 00:45:58.620 Pak, Nicholas (ELS-SNG): Okay, so it's probably about maybe about an almost an hour let's go for a quick five minute water break, we can reconvene at approximately about. 269 00:46:03.090 --> 00:46:13.230 Pak, Nicholas (ELS-SNG): And then we will run through the platform itself, and I can go through any other questions and answers so let's take a quick five minute break we see each other back at 1156. 270 00:46:17.010 --> 00:46:22.380 Pak, Nicholas (ELS-SNG): And, in the meantime, if you have any questions feel free to type them in the chat box as follows i'll be glad to help. 271 00:48:39.600 --> 00:48:42.660 Pak, Nicholas (ELS-SNG): Well, no questions so far you guys have really quiet today. 272 00:48:47.070 --> 00:48:49.590 Pak, Nicholas (ELS-SNG): So let's just wait for a couple more minutes for people to come back. 273 00:50:03.600 --> 00:50:07.020 Pak, Nicholas (ELS-SNG): Okay, so I think we are more or less ready yep. 274 00:50:08.760 --> 00:50:17.490 Pak, Nicholas (ELS-SNG): Aha Is it normal sometimes we use scopus using easy access i'm assuming easy access is something like easy proxy right. 275 00:50:18.630 --> 00:50:27.390 Pak, Nicholas (ELS-SNG): yep and then scopus appears for you to log in so maybe you can demonstrate the the workflow to me, I think that will make more sense. 276 00:50:29.760 --> 00:50:42.270 Pak, Nicholas (ELS-SNG): Okay, all right, so I think I think what happens hmm I think it depends on the easy access configuration right i'm not sure what is the specific error that you're facing. 277 00:50:43.350 --> 00:50:58.170 Pak, Nicholas (ELS-SNG): Okay, maybe in this case, it might be a cookie issue i'm not sure, maybe the cookies expire after a period of time i'm not certain about this, if you can send me a screenshot of this, then I will be able to give a better and more educated answer. 278 00:51:01.830 --> 00:51:09.300 Pak, Nicholas (ELS-SNG): Oh yeah okay I tell you what so there's some questions on in terms of journal sources right, and I think that at this point in time, it probably makes more sense. 279 00:51:09.870 --> 00:51:23.220 Pak, Nicholas (ELS-SNG): For me to do a dynamic search okay so i'm going to stop sharing my screen and the presentation slides i'm just going to do actually a very life a live demonstration on scopus.com, so I think this would make more sense. 280 00:51:29.250 --> 00:51:36.330 Pak, Nicholas (ELS-SNG): Okay, so you probably have to type, I would say just keep typing in the chat box, so that I will be able to see what you're referring to. 281 00:51:38.040 --> 00:51:38.340 Pak, Nicholas (ELS-SNG): Okay. 282 00:51:39.480 --> 00:51:46.170 Pak, Nicholas (ELS-SNG): So we talked about journal sources stress now on scopus have come out say always go to the sources you take a look at it. 283 00:51:47.070 --> 00:52:00.360 Pak, Nicholas (ELS-SNG): And then other sources, you can sometimes browse for title and remember where I said earlier, here you'll be able to download the scopus sauce page source list here the sauce, this is actually really useful in terms of identifying titles. 284 00:52:01.500 --> 00:52:14.640 Pak, Nicholas (ELS-SNG): And I think one of the examples that arm that you refer to the universe soldier of public health is possible that what has happened here is that this general it's just simply not indexing school bus right, but I think there was something. 285 00:52:17.610 --> 00:52:32.940 Pak, Nicholas (ELS-SNG): So I think that okay so let's take a look in more detail because I can't see any of these details over here so it's very possible in this case that there's not been any new titles right arm, we can take a look at documents today at the citations today. 286 00:52:34.260 --> 00:52:44.730 Pak, Nicholas (ELS-SNG): seems that this seems to me like a very new journal because it's been indexed from 2020 if I were to take a look at site that by date of new West. 287 00:52:46.170 --> 00:52:48.660 Pak, Nicholas (ELS-SNG): I can see that the actually this journal itself. 288 00:52:49.710 --> 00:53:06.090 Pak, Nicholas (ELS-SNG): Has the latest documents in 2021, which means that this journal is still active and I think this general in this case, it says is coverage from 2020 to present, so this journal is actually active, so I went and I can't say that in this case, this journal is. 289 00:53:07.290 --> 00:53:11.970 Pak, Nicholas (ELS-SNG): Is an a right like it just looks any because it's a new general. 290 00:53:12.540 --> 00:53:22.620 Pak, Nicholas (ELS-SNG): You can see the scores on it, yet right I think that's what you're referring to, so the and they can be calculated the percentile citations documents, all these are new because the journal was just index in 2020. 291 00:53:23.100 --> 00:53:28.620 Pak, Nicholas (ELS-SNG): yeah we have only about that seven documents about it citations so maybe they experience it. 292 00:53:34.230 --> 00:53:39.270 Pak, Nicholas (ELS-SNG): If a researcher mentioned the articles are indexed in scopus but ran the library and check yes. 293 00:53:40.890 --> 00:53:46.410 Pak, Nicholas (ELS-SNG): And when the library track it's not listed yet so as possible, so what happens is that. 294 00:53:47.850 --> 00:53:57.840 Pak, Nicholas (ELS-SNG): For indexing of articles how scopus does, that is, that we work together with the publishers so sometimes maybe the article is published, is an article and press. 295 00:53:58.260 --> 00:54:08.970 Pak, Nicholas (ELS-SNG): that the onus actually on the publisher to push the content over the scopus, but we know that this sometimes doesn't always happen so if you feel that. 296 00:54:09.360 --> 00:54:18.120 Pak, Nicholas (ELS-SNG): The researchers has an article that's not that suppose man scopus but it's not index yet feel free to reach out to the scope of support team, you can reach out to myself. 297 00:54:18.360 --> 00:54:24.690 Pak, Nicholas (ELS-SNG): And then we can escalate this according for you, so that the content will be updated indexed there's something that we can do on outside. 298 00:54:28.230 --> 00:54:41.070 Pak, Nicholas (ELS-SNG): Okay, so, while i'm doing the live demonstration, do you guys want to ask me more questions about different types of journals and you add a general topics that you want to know about, so I can just run through this quickly and answer your questions, probably be easier. 299 00:54:43.860 --> 00:54:52.800 Pak, Nicholas (ELS-SNG): Why some authors in scopus conflict to me few more about the author Okay, so in this case, our husband, can you give me an example of this. 300 00:54:54.750 --> 00:54:54.990 Pak, Nicholas (ELS-SNG): yeah. 301 00:54:56.910 --> 00:55:04.500 Pak, Nicholas (ELS-SNG): So Okay, let me give you a quick example of some authors, which I think are quite relevant right now so let's look at Professor auchi. 302 00:55:05.880 --> 00:55:11.730 Pak, Nicholas (ELS-SNG): Because we all know how cool It is like and it's been dragging on forever what seems like forever. 303 00:55:13.800 --> 00:55:17.970 Pak, Nicholas (ELS-SNG): So under Professor archie right, we can see all the all the information over here right, we can see. 304 00:55:18.630 --> 00:55:29.970 Pak, Nicholas (ELS-SNG): The different permutations of his name, right now, you can see his affiliation and his affiliation history over here, it is very, very comprehensive and can find that his document types his citations and it's H index. 305 00:55:30.870 --> 00:55:35.940 Pak, Nicholas (ELS-SNG): As it is really powerful it's really useful but i'm not sure if this is what you're referring to possibly not. 306 00:55:39.570 --> 00:55:45.870 Pak, Nicholas (ELS-SNG): yep so are going back to the roots question on updated genotypes on updated journals. 307 00:55:46.740 --> 00:55:56.580 Pak, Nicholas (ELS-SNG): abstracts We understand that you need to verify all your it and publications because it's something that you have to do for your researchers, so if the researcher say said the publications are in are there. 308 00:55:57.030 --> 00:56:12.630 Pak, Nicholas (ELS-SNG): should be that but it's not there, then there are two ways to track one, you need to take a look at the publication itself to, then you need to check on scopus itself, and if the generalist you index on scopus then just ask no yeah that's something that we can do to help. 309 00:56:18.270 --> 00:56:28.200 Pak, Nicholas (ELS-SNG): One hasn't, I think, maybe what the issue that might have occurred, for you when you're talking about the current view more by the author is maybe the authors him or herself just. 310 00:56:29.310 --> 00:56:37.950 Pak, Nicholas (ELS-SNG): Currently, at the moment do not have enough details to be shared, I think that might be an issue if, especially if they only have one or two publications. 311 00:56:41.700 --> 00:56:49.380 Pak, Nicholas (ELS-SNG): yeah because naming permutations is also a real issue that's also why we encourage everyone to actually have an awkward ID. 312 00:56:50.070 --> 00:57:00.180 Pak, Nicholas (ELS-SNG): Right so well, Professor file she clearly does have an ID but sometimes it's also useful for the authors to also keep track of their own scopus author ID as well. 313 00:57:00.630 --> 00:57:10.230 Pak, Nicholas (ELS-SNG): And I think this is very important, because now so more than ever okay so i'm not going to change Professor for juicing right but i've been to the question just on you have someone else. 314 00:57:11.400 --> 00:57:19.800 Pak, Nicholas (ELS-SNG): This is a new Well, this is the updated scopus proof of author wizard right so now here, you can choose your preferred name. 315 00:57:20.370 --> 00:57:30.570 Pak, Nicholas (ELS-SNG): and choose the affiliation that you've identified yourself to be from you can also see the documents that you want to remove that is doesn't. 316 00:57:31.050 --> 00:57:36.810 Pak, Nicholas (ELS-SNG): belong to the profile, so you find that there are some profiles some articles, they are not in it, you can remove for it. 317 00:57:37.230 --> 00:57:43.290 Pak, Nicholas (ELS-SNG): If you feel that there are documents are missing, you can search for it, and then you can edit accordingly right. 318 00:57:43.920 --> 00:57:53.130 Pak, Nicholas (ELS-SNG): Then it goes at your preference and counsel, at whatever once you have so maybe you don't want to do this right, maybe let's take a look at someone from you, it m, because this is your. 319 00:57:53.670 --> 00:58:01.080 Pak, Nicholas (ELS-SNG): area of expertise and it's not mine so but i'm just more or less walking you through it, so if I kept me Mayra up straight away to your idea. 320 00:58:03.600 --> 00:58:06.270 Pak, Nicholas (ELS-SNG): I will take a look at your office. 321 00:58:08.280 --> 00:58:12.840 Pak, Nicholas (ELS-SNG): And a professor right arm, I was perfect using Professor was the best example. 322 00:58:14.250 --> 00:58:21.630 Pak, Nicholas (ELS-SNG): So now, Professor Russa, he can connect to author ID right, we know that Professor Russa has been publishing a lot of articles every single year. 323 00:58:22.260 --> 00:58:32.520 Pak, Nicholas (ELS-SNG): Very high heat index of 33 right and now let's take a look at Professor Russo and if we want to change and to make any changes accordingly for him under the scopus or the wizard. 324 00:58:33.690 --> 00:58:45.270 Pak, Nicholas (ELS-SNG): We can modify his name and he's naming permutations so upon the room, you mentioned about names and titles, this is something that we can manage accordingly as well, the current affiliation right. 325 00:58:46.620 --> 00:58:50.940 Pak, Nicholas (ELS-SNG): The documents that he has or he would like him to remove or include. 326 00:58:52.320 --> 00:58:53.730 Pak, Nicholas (ELS-SNG): As well as in this case. 327 00:58:54.780 --> 00:58:58.440 Pak, Nicholas (ELS-SNG): If they're missing documents you can search for it accordingly, and then we can update it. 328 00:58:59.160 --> 00:59:06.300 Pak, Nicholas (ELS-SNG): So the author profile was it hasn't updated we think this looks very, very thorough it's very neat I highly encourage everyone to use it. 329 00:59:06.810 --> 00:59:16.860 Pak, Nicholas (ELS-SNG): So yeah so maybe there's something that you want to do right maybe yeah So hopefully this answers some of your quick questions with regards to the topics that you're brought up so far. 330 00:59:18.720 --> 00:59:24.780 Pak, Nicholas (ELS-SNG): Okay, in this case I will go back to back to the original plan and get you. 331 00:59:26.490 --> 00:59:30.120 Pak, Nicholas (ELS-SNG): But please don't hesitate to tell me more questions in the Q amp a box and I think. 332 00:59:30.720 --> 00:59:39.270 Pak, Nicholas (ELS-SNG): The session for today is for us to be very dynamic and to help you when true some of the updates have been going on in scopus right i'd want to make this very didactic. 333 00:59:39.840 --> 00:59:52.620 Pak, Nicholas (ELS-SNG): there's no point because you're all subject matter experts, you all know, scopus yesterday extent So hopefully I don't need to go through all this with you Okay, so we know how important such as art right we talked about earlier. 334 00:59:53.790 --> 00:59:59.910 Pak, Nicholas (ELS-SNG): We also know that in scopus you can also use boolean operators right in this case and all and not. 335 01:00:02.640 --> 01:00:12.720 Pak, Nicholas (ELS-SNG): The one thing big difference for scopus is that you can be more granular and specific with your search types right so either title abstract keywords right like conversion disorder. 336 01:00:13.500 --> 01:00:24.510 Pak, Nicholas (ELS-SNG): You can look for document with disorders ambition and image compression in the keywords right, if you want to use a phrase in scopus use double quotation marks, then you can look for conversion disorder. 337 01:00:26.190 --> 01:00:37.140 Pak, Nicholas (ELS-SNG): So please do not forget the phrase markers right it helps to really narrow down so if I say conversion disorder here I get 30,000 results but i'm looking for confession. 338 01:00:38.280 --> 01:00:42.720 Pak, Nicholas (ELS-SNG): And this order in winter, the commerce you get about 3660 documents results. 339 01:00:44.700 --> 01:00:59.280 Pak, Nicholas (ELS-SNG): So we also use more keywords over in scopus including prefix preceding and within right so preceding means that the first word must not be more than a number of individual words away from second within means it doesn't matter, which was its first. 340 01:01:00.570 --> 01:01:07.740 Pak, Nicholas (ELS-SNG): So you can look for sega preceding two words a virus and you can look for the car or they give areas, as well as ticket itself. 341 01:01:08.850 --> 01:01:16.110 Pak, Nicholas (ELS-SNG): Because wsu virus will find virus infections to seeker or various like seeker or very seeker so, for instance. 342 01:01:18.570 --> 01:01:23.910 Pak, Nicholas (ELS-SNG): So we can see in this case proximity keywords, we can see the permutations in terms of how the search numbers Elias well. 343 01:01:27.960 --> 01:01:36.000 Pak, Nicholas (ELS-SNG): We scan excellent that practice automatically so if you're looking for a professor for rock or Professor for you don't need to tell me the notes or the essence. 344 01:01:37.830 --> 01:01:45.360 Pak, Nicholas (ELS-SNG): It limited to ISIS it so you don't need to come up with different permutations of the word, so attack attacks, at the same white and why that same. 345 01:01:47.070 --> 01:01:56.370 Pak, Nicholas (ELS-SNG): You can type in behavior and behavior or Omega and the site and you'll still be the same as well punctuation is not right, like commerce hyphens is extra. 346 01:01:57.540 --> 01:02:07.740 Pak, Nicholas (ELS-SNG): what's like the off I student from the search and you can overwrite the ethic freeze, so the curly braces with I met for the word phrase are correct. 347 01:02:11.130 --> 01:02:18.720 Pak, Nicholas (ELS-SNG): You can also use walk operators so question about represents any single character like question mark in the goblin similar to scopus. 348 01:02:19.080 --> 01:02:36.930 Pak, Nicholas (ELS-SNG): designs direct Asterix represent any number of characters including zero right so w as you see, can be what read waiters will right, maybe even wt yeah, but it would not allow you to find the phrases so like what list it's not something you'd get. 349 01:02:38.790 --> 01:02:41.280 Pak, Nicholas (ELS-SNG): So i've talked quite a bit right now, as it is. 350 01:02:43.770 --> 01:02:48.870 Pak, Nicholas (ELS-SNG): Now, maybe one of you guys may want to actually try running a couple of exercises right so. 351 01:02:49.470 --> 01:02:58.260 Pak, Nicholas (ELS-SNG): Maybe we can take a quick and you guys are experts so i've only spent too much time on this so maybe spend about two minutes looking at this couple of queries and then we can run searches. 352 01:02:58.770 --> 01:03:09.090 Pak, Nicholas (ELS-SNG): And then we can go through how you're going to search for it right so let's take a quick two minutes right now is triple eight are coming to your top 10 in the meantime if more questions tell them the box i'll be happy to help. 353 01:04:42.120 --> 01:04:56.640 Pak, Nicholas (ELS-SNG): Okay, to run to quickly review we know and we talked about SAS coronavirus in 2021 right, so what you can do is you can look for keywords that Corbett 19 open up for the keywords set for it and filter by 2021 itself. 354 01:04:57.360 --> 01:05:04.290 Pak, Nicholas (ELS-SNG): Right you'll be able to narrow down the search results quite significantly i'm pretty sure this number is going up by now, so I won't be surprised. 355 01:05:04.980 --> 01:05:13.260 Pak, Nicholas (ELS-SNG): And then another one that we can look at will be a remote control arm yeah for those who raise your hands feel free to type in the queries in the chat box. 356 01:05:15.420 --> 01:05:26.400 Pak, Nicholas (ELS-SNG): And then for remote control automate that fight in ancient system, you can look for cf I mentioned system in braces at the search few use and modifier include the term automatic Asterix. 357 01:05:27.810 --> 01:05:34.410 Pak, Nicholas (ELS-SNG): It found that this is not in that results for you, you can remove fire from it, expand the keyword search accordingly. 358 01:05:36.660 --> 01:05:41.220 Pak, Nicholas (ELS-SNG): You can just use such for smart controller for an air conditioning system by looking for controller. 359 01:05:42.720 --> 01:05:52.590 Pak, Nicholas (ELS-SNG): At the search few use the end modifier an icon then Therefore, you can probably use for smart controller to narrow it down and then you get about 242 results. 360 01:05:52.890 --> 01:06:03.960 Pak, Nicholas (ELS-SNG): So feel free to play around with all these keyword searches right um you kind of know the rough basics, you can just use this and it'd be very, very useful in your in terms of narrowing down what's that you're looking for. 361 01:06:07.140 --> 01:06:19.680 Pak, Nicholas (ELS-SNG): So let's take a look at a case an example right i'll let you think of it 19 because I think it's relevant we can find that this about 126625 okay i'm going to run a real life, such review right in this case and then be easier this way. 362 01:06:24.510 --> 01:06:37.500 Pak, Nicholas (ELS-SNG): Back in the meantime, if you guys actually want me to run a search keyword that you, like me, like to search for feel free to let me know and i'd be very happy to actually run it with you as well, we can just make this more dynamic. 363 01:06:48.150 --> 01:06:48.660 Pak, Nicholas (ELS-SNG): So. 364 01:06:49.800 --> 01:06:58.770 Pak, Nicholas (ELS-SNG): We have probably have about 95,000 keywords articles in 19 2021 we can limit it to now right. 365 01:06:59.940 --> 01:07:06.450 Pak, Nicholas (ELS-SNG): I will encourage people to also leverage on the future options on the left side, I think this is something that you can work on. 366 01:07:07.020 --> 01:07:18.480 Pak, Nicholas (ELS-SNG): So you find that there's actually a lot article that's considered open this open access a very significant amount of goal or number of hybrid go as well, a lot of green as well right. 367 01:07:19.110 --> 01:07:26.940 Pak, Nicholas (ELS-SNG): The answer is simple, because people are making this information available for everyone to read, so that we can work together to solve this issue as soon as possible. 368 01:07:29.160 --> 01:07:38.610 Pak, Nicholas (ELS-SNG): You can also narrow down accordingly based on author names Elizabeth mahachi is, what can the British Medical Journal, she has to cover probably a lot of this as well. 369 01:07:39.840 --> 01:07:47.550 Pak, Nicholas (ELS-SNG): you'll find different topics in terms of medicine social sciences biochemistry So if you want to know the social impact of covet 19. 370 01:07:47.940 --> 01:07:59.040 Pak, Nicholas (ELS-SNG): Then, maybe you want to narrow it down based on social science right, we can see that there's actually a lot of final articles, but a very significant numbers of articles impressed that you may also want to take a look at. 371 01:08:01.020 --> 01:08:07.440 Pak, Nicholas (ELS-SNG): We can break it down in terms of an article or in terms of a review and there's actually a lot of reviewed journals articles on this too. 372 01:08:08.310 --> 01:08:14.220 Pak, Nicholas (ELS-SNG): And we can see that the majority of the articles is published, primarily in the international Journal of environmental research and public health. 373 01:08:15.180 --> 01:08:30.030 Pak, Nicholas (ELS-SNG): n plus one in Journal of medical elachi tmj open etc So these are majority of the articles can publish on covert 19 so far right, and we can see accordingly based on keywords and affiliation, so in 2021. 374 01:08:30.540 --> 01:08:39.180 Pak, Nicholas (ELS-SNG): Harvard Medical School has been publishing the most in terms of research for this also no surprises and it's primarily funded by NIH and nsf. 375 01:08:39.870 --> 01:08:45.840 Pak, Nicholas (ELS-SNG): As well as the National Science natural science foundation of China as well, these are the two largest found this and this. 376 01:08:46.230 --> 01:08:54.840 Pak, Nicholas (ELS-SNG): have covered 19 research, so this is some way that you can leverage on the futures to also work around the such things that you're looking for. 377 01:08:55.560 --> 01:09:00.630 Pak, Nicholas (ELS-SNG): And that example we can take a look at be to find out what is the most updated research on coffee 19. 378 01:09:01.260 --> 01:09:11.310 Pak, Nicholas (ELS-SNG): Right so someone has returned on cell targeted therapies doing SOS coffee to pandemic when immunosuppression meets infection how. 379 01:09:12.300 --> 01:09:19.320 Pak, Nicholas (ELS-SNG): People will be able to hitch stocks in crisis and market downturns we've gone and bonds industry analysis, etc, etc. 380 01:09:19.830 --> 01:09:32.580 Pak, Nicholas (ELS-SNG): But if you want to find what's the latest and the highest site that article in 2019, then you probably be in terms of this topic on hospitalized patients we've covered 19 and the efficacy of the vaccine right some quick example. 381 01:09:34.650 --> 01:09:36.930 Pak, Nicholas (ELS-SNG): Okay, so i'm getting a couple of examples. 382 01:09:39.930 --> 01:09:47.070 Pak, Nicholas (ELS-SNG): Yes, so let's take a look at mathematical communication and metacognition right, we can run some searches on this. 383 01:10:35.640 --> 01:10:37.050 Pak, Nicholas (ELS-SNG): huh for. 384 01:10:42.780 --> 01:10:51.720 Pak, Nicholas (ELS-SNG): So I guess the reason why we were not able to look for ways, because they were very, very specific right because mathematical communication and medical missions very, very specific. 385 01:10:52.170 --> 01:11:01.230 Pak, Nicholas (ELS-SNG): But I think this case, what we have here, be a very specific search phrase, so we have metacognition mathematical cognition and Meta cognition. 386 01:11:02.250 --> 01:11:04.800 Pak, Nicholas (ELS-SNG): As highlighted keywords that we are looking for. 387 01:11:06.360 --> 01:11:22.110 Pak, Nicholas (ELS-SNG): So in this case possible this article that's been written in about 22,001 with about 155 citations seems to me a pretty relevant and high impact article itself so maybe that's something that you're looking for. 388 01:11:24.720 --> 01:11:31.770 Pak, Nicholas (ELS-SNG): yeah so as because it's a very specific key phrase itself right so because it's mathematical communication and metacognition. 389 01:11:32.100 --> 01:11:42.120 Pak, Nicholas (ELS-SNG): The other thing that you could do instead of using an operator will be to use the operator, because in this case it's so specific so let's try or and see what we can get. 390 01:11:44.130 --> 01:11:47.040 Pak, Nicholas (ELS-SNG): Then this case it really opens up a lot more. 391 01:11:48.150 --> 01:11:55.410 Pak, Nicholas (ELS-SNG): document results right we have about 76,000 document results in this case so maybe if always the better approach, then let's try taking a look at this. 392 01:12:04.050 --> 01:12:09.360 Pak, Nicholas (ELS-SNG): Right, so now it's a bit better because now we have 11,000 results, instead of seven 9000 results. 393 01:12:10.920 --> 01:12:21.030 Pak, Nicholas (ELS-SNG): We can take a look at the highest cited Article and then we can see accordingly to what are the key words that's being highlighted by this so medical this article is primarily on metacognition. 394 01:12:22.110 --> 01:12:24.870 Pak, Nicholas (ELS-SNG): This is something that you can probably take a look at pretty useful to. 395 01:12:25.920 --> 01:12:32.970 Pak, Nicholas (ELS-SNG): You can find that there's actually about 680 PSI patients at one view counts and it's from the University of Chicago right pretty useful to. 396 01:12:38.340 --> 01:12:42.750 Pak, Nicholas (ELS-SNG): So this man, let me know if this actually helps with your search results as well. 397 01:12:47.340 --> 01:12:54.990 Pak, Nicholas (ELS-SNG): But 11,000 might be too little might be too much for you so i'll let you decide on, if this is actually what you're looking for. 398 01:12:56.400 --> 01:12:59.280 Pak, Nicholas (ELS-SNG): Okay, if it's helpful for them that's great right shows after my work. 399 01:13:00.480 --> 01:13:08.310 Pak, Nicholas (ELS-SNG): Yes, we still have the free resources are on covet 19 you should be able to sit for it as well, so let me take a look at this. 400 01:13:10.560 --> 01:13:11.100 Pak, Nicholas (ELS-SNG): Center. 401 01:13:14.850 --> 01:13:24.000 Pak, Nicholas (ELS-SNG): So we see the Novell coronavirus information Center that also provides so you can simply look for covet 19 Nova corps and I various information Center. 402 01:13:24.570 --> 01:13:31.140 Pak, Nicholas (ELS-SNG): And there is a lot of resources, that you will be able to take a look at that you can browse through so I encourage you take a look at this. 403 01:13:32.760 --> 01:13:34.920 Pak, Nicholas (ELS-SNG): Okay let's go back to. 404 01:13:36.150 --> 01:13:36.990 Pak, Nicholas (ELS-SNG): The session itself. 405 01:13:49.140 --> 01:14:01.320 Pak, Nicholas (ELS-SNG): So one thing that we really want to emphasize on is that, unlike science direct right signs are is a full text article database scopus is an abstract database so scopus does not. 406 01:14:02.010 --> 01:14:09.540 Pak, Nicholas (ELS-SNG): contain food tax that's very important what we can see is that you're covered the abstract itself and that's actually what you're looking for. 407 01:14:11.880 --> 01:14:22.530 Pak, Nicholas (ELS-SNG): you'll notice that the interface has changed just on when I showed it to you, you can find the office, the abstract, but now you have to probably have to scroll down and you'll be able to find more funding details on the bottom as well. 408 01:14:24.960 --> 01:14:34.950 Pak, Nicholas (ELS-SNG): So I was doing a quick amount of such just now, you should how you can look for us and or not right, using the keywords you can look for it, based on the. 409 01:14:35.460 --> 01:14:46.020 Pak, Nicholas (ELS-SNG): The search history as well you're able to refine results that I showed you just now, as well, and if you want more details about the authors, you can also check the pop up preview. 410 01:14:47.070 --> 01:14:54.690 Pak, Nicholas (ELS-SNG): You can zoom in to execute the author and to get the search results you're looking for and you also saw that, based on the type of. 411 01:14:55.950 --> 01:15:09.300 Pak, Nicholas (ELS-SNG): results that you're looking for right if i'm looking for the most recent article I can sort it by the latest date or the Odyssey I can cite it based on the highest citations or the lower citations or by the relevance to the search results, based on keywords. 412 01:15:12.960 --> 01:15:20.490 Pak, Nicholas (ELS-SNG): Now you can also click on the individual results and you'll be able to find out more about the abstracts itself, you can take a look at. 413 01:15:20.910 --> 01:15:29.970 Pak, Nicholas (ELS-SNG): You can select this arrow here, and then you give you a drop down box for the abstracts or We feel that this too much because it's simply high or astra abstracts. 414 01:15:32.670 --> 01:15:40.770 Pak, Nicholas (ELS-SNG): We can also select items a whole pages and choose to either export it on a csv file or to get a citation overview or to download it accordingly right. 415 01:15:41.880 --> 01:15:49.290 Pak, Nicholas (ELS-SNG): Also, if you're using it as a reference manager, you can select select them and then you can use it to view references or to create a bibliography. 416 01:15:51.150 --> 01:15:56.970 Pak, Nicholas (ELS-SNG): So we saw an example just now that I showcase to you that you can see Novell coronavirus is highlighted in yellow. 417 01:15:57.540 --> 01:16:12.930 Pak, Nicholas (ELS-SNG): But the other thing that actually I did not show which I want to do now is to showcase to you that the new metrics are actually really, really important and powerful right, so I went stop sharing this part and then i'm going to go back to the obviously example that I have for you. 418 01:16:20.580 --> 01:16:24.000 Pak, Nicholas (ELS-SNG): So over here just out when we were clicking on to this. 419 01:16:24.840 --> 01:16:39.840 Pak, Nicholas (ELS-SNG): We can now take a look at the view abstract right and we can see accordingly to this is based on on what we're looking for mathematical computation or metacognition right, we can see this case, how the key was a light in this case metacognition is a key word which pops up in the abstract. 420 01:16:41.310 --> 01:16:42.060 Pak, Nicholas (ELS-SNG): Likewise here. 421 01:16:44.190 --> 01:16:49.470 Pak, Nicholas (ELS-SNG): yeah so what I want to take a look now is to take a look at say this article itself. 422 01:16:59.790 --> 01:17:07.110 Pak, Nicholas (ELS-SNG): So this journal itself, this is a book series actually is a document type as from a book series, and from this ISS and itself. 423 01:17:08.040 --> 01:17:17.310 Pak, Nicholas (ELS-SNG): I want to take a look at this author and I realized that this author is from the University of Europe in the UK as a collaboration with the University of California, in the United States. 424 01:17:19.350 --> 01:17:28.020 Pak, Nicholas (ELS-SNG): We tell about your topic will be talking more or less later about forward flow and bet workflow of citations um me talk about chin linking. 425 01:17:29.550 --> 01:17:48.450 Pak, Nicholas (ELS-SNG): I think this is really useful so chin linking right basically means that this article this the science of the mind wandering i'm navigating the stream of consciousness is cited by 622 documents, it means there's now 622 new pieces of research, they have leveraged on this. 426 01:17:49.890 --> 01:17:50.460 Pak, Nicholas (ELS-SNG): Article. 427 01:17:52.050 --> 01:18:04.410 Pak, Nicholas (ELS-SNG): To further research questions and queries we also have related documents here, which will be similar based on the keywords and, in this case, the author keywords would be a default mode network. 428 01:18:05.040 --> 01:18:14.730 Pak, Nicholas (ELS-SNG): Mental time translation Madam time travel Meta awareness mind wandering perceptual decoupling and self generated thought. 429 01:18:15.780 --> 01:18:29.490 Pak, Nicholas (ELS-SNG): The other thing I will also point out to us to take a look at the metrics here right, so we try to show all metrics and the you can see, the total number of citations the view counts and if I find out more i've clicked more other metrics and you translate it to me. 430 01:18:30.570 --> 01:18:46.320 Pak, Nicholas (ELS-SNG): So we can see in this case with 622 citations is ranked 99th percentile in its subject type right with a few words that citation impact of the 7.92 which is really high, which means okay to give you a context, one is the global average. 431 01:18:47.340 --> 01:18:52.860 Pak, Nicholas (ELS-SNG): This is entirely normalize, and this is because metacognition is probably a very unique subject area. 432 01:18:53.490 --> 01:19:02.490 Pak, Nicholas (ELS-SNG): It doesn't mean that success engine to automatically means is always going to be 38 times higher than global average it just means that for this specific subject view is unique this way. 433 01:19:03.720 --> 01:19:10.830 Pak, Nicholas (ELS-SNG): We can see the total number of view counts, we can see the number of times it's been exported read it's been use. 434 01:19:11.640 --> 01:19:21.660 Pak, Nicholas (ELS-SNG): abstract has been few clicks mentioned on the news, etc, so if you want to find out more information about this, you can click on this, and this is what we call as metrics. 435 01:19:22.620 --> 01:19:33.330 Pak, Nicholas (ELS-SNG): And metrics will showcase you very interestingly, where this article has been treated, for instance, we see it's been shipped 53 times on Twitter, which is pretty incredible right. 436 01:19:33.750 --> 01:19:47.910 Pak, Nicholas (ELS-SNG): And then you can see, the number of times it's been tweeted and what are the comments about the tweet itself so comics metric it's pretty useful really interesting I encourage you all to take a look at it yeah so we've covered subsequently. 437 01:19:51.600 --> 01:19:53.940 Pak, Nicholas (ELS-SNG): Last but not least, we can see the total number of references. 438 01:19:56.010 --> 01:20:03.600 Pak, Nicholas (ELS-SNG): We have also been working on something which we call a cyber topics so cyber topics there's approximately about wow. 439 01:20:04.590 --> 01:20:11.220 Pak, Nicholas (ELS-SNG): Hundreds of thousands of them by now right because it's using a data network as well, so in this case, this. 440 01:20:11.700 --> 01:20:19.830 Pak, Nicholas (ELS-SNG): john this article itself falls under the cyber topic in terms of mind wandering in the experience and ecological mentoring assessment. 441 01:20:20.250 --> 01:20:25.290 Pak, Nicholas (ELS-SNG): there'll be different types of topics for each article and each Journal and you'll be able to see them accordingly. 442 01:20:25.800 --> 01:20:34.290 Pak, Nicholas (ELS-SNG): But I think this is really powerful, because now if i'm interested in this, I can click on this and i'll be able to find out what are the top articles. 443 01:20:35.010 --> 01:20:43.110 Pak, Nicholas (ELS-SNG): that are similar to this specific topic right and then Now you can find out the top authors in this area, we can click on the authors. 444 01:20:43.500 --> 01:20:53.760 Pak, Nicholas (ELS-SNG): you'll be able to find out what Jonathan small with, and then you answer that he's from your, and this is probably his area of expertise, we can see that he has a water grant. 445 01:20:54.210 --> 01:21:01.950 Pak, Nicholas (ELS-SNG): From the Institute of education sciences, we can see in this case he's a top author in this field with this objection area subject area. 446 01:21:02.430 --> 01:21:09.180 Pak, Nicholas (ELS-SNG): And you can find other areas that he's working on will be on connectome functional medical resource imaging and network connectivity. 447 01:21:09.570 --> 01:21:26.190 Pak, Nicholas (ELS-SNG): So, its scope as a super powerful now I really like it, the way it is, I think it relates better and shows more better comparison accordingly okay so i'm gonna take my breath here because i've been talking for a fair bit, and I might be going too fast, let me know if any questions. 448 01:21:39.390 --> 01:21:57.240 Pak, Nicholas (ELS-SNG): Okay, so this is what we call just down by what we call the citation chain right where we see the chain being cited by you can view who cited it and you can follow the chain forward right, and then you can also go backwards, by using in taking a look at the references and rafi. 449 01:21:59.730 --> 01:22:10.650 Pak, Nicholas (ELS-SNG): We have folded citation chain backwards by seeing the references that's been cited, and you can also search for secondary documents okay people tend to ask me what secondary documents are and it's quite straightforward. 450 01:22:11.820 --> 01:22:17.130 Pak, Nicholas (ELS-SNG): A second document essentially is a document which has been extracted from a scoping document reference list. 451 01:22:17.580 --> 01:22:30.840 Pak, Nicholas (ELS-SNG): But it's not available in the database, because the journal, in which is coming from is not indexed by scopus, but we also want to show us the value of it so that's why we keep secondary documents available for you to take a look at as well. 452 01:22:33.150 --> 01:22:43.740 Pak, Nicholas (ELS-SNG): We can also take a look at it sideways right when take a look at related documents you can find the documents he references with, and then you can collect this accordingly from different searches. 453 01:22:45.000 --> 01:23:01.590 Pak, Nicholas (ELS-SNG): So we talked about creating a user provided school bus, and this is why it's useful you're able to see safe list and you're able to get updates on your list as well, I think this is actually useful, and you can set up alerts, so that you can get it once a week once every fortnight, etc. 454 01:23:06.420 --> 01:23:10.590 Pak, Nicholas (ELS-SNG): Now we talk about an actual case you how you can do a specific account right and. 455 01:23:10.950 --> 01:23:19.290 Pak, Nicholas (ELS-SNG): We you're also able to track accordingly to your author feedback correction request, so that you're able to find out what's the current status and update. 456 01:23:19.800 --> 01:23:28.710 Pak, Nicholas (ELS-SNG): Of the author profile We said we also have able for those admin users, we have institutional profile we said, you can make changes accordingly to. 457 01:23:30.690 --> 01:23:37.680 Pak, Nicholas (ELS-SNG): So I went up to you if you just now on scopus profile visits and I think I want to talk about more about this right now. 458 01:23:38.940 --> 01:23:45.690 Pak, Nicholas (ELS-SNG): So the author is that is actually profile it's actually very useful, we have over props in about 18 million author profile sell. 459 01:23:46.110 --> 01:23:50.610 Pak, Nicholas (ELS-SNG): And we are the only database that implements algorithmic and systematic author disambiguate. 460 01:23:51.000 --> 01:24:04.410 Pak, Nicholas (ELS-SNG): with high accuracy to create and maintain precise and company profiles so sometimes it just means that you might get one or two profiles, because of the way we had this emigrating the data, but this is where you can make changes you think the feedback music. 461 01:24:07.470 --> 01:24:11.700 Pak, Nicholas (ELS-SNG): So I went through this example with you just sound well true for Professor foushee. 462 01:24:12.570 --> 01:24:27.180 Pak, Nicholas (ELS-SNG): How you search for it, we can search for other documents and click on the authors or you can very simply look at the authors himself directly right, so the same way that I look for for professor, so you can also use it to search using aka ID. 463 01:24:29.100 --> 01:24:36.120 Pak, Nicholas (ELS-SNG): So this is how it looks like right we talked about the name, we thought about the metrics overview, we talked about the trends. 464 01:24:36.750 --> 01:24:54.120 Pak, Nicholas (ELS-SNG): Also, you talked about topics and I really, really think puppets are super important and and and really useful um yeah so let me know if there's any authors at this point that you, like me to take a look at from ui tm apart from professors up just to make things livelier bit. 465 01:25:00.840 --> 01:25:13.020 Pak, Nicholas (ELS-SNG): Yes, correct exactly so you probably you probably have noticed that the interface the metrics when the right corner now as a highlight is below is we just move it down below as well, so it's just a the overall ux. 466 01:25:15.210 --> 01:25:20.520 Pak, Nicholas (ELS-SNG): Okay, how to set up often name by scopus ID that's a good question, let me try and run it for you. 467 01:25:38.490 --> 01:25:45.750 Pak, Nicholas (ELS-SNG): So if I want to look for a specific ID I think what I can do here, do you have the ID that you would like to run a search on. 468 01:25:52.680 --> 01:26:04.590 Pak, Nicholas (ELS-SNG): So the other way that I can think of to run ID right will be to go to specifically advanced documents which will be here right, then you can under here, you can type in the author last name or the author first name. 469 01:26:05.730 --> 01:26:16.110 Pak, Nicholas (ELS-SNG): or other here, you can put in the query under author ID just select this and then press author ID you can press in his name, so I hope this answers your question. 470 01:26:16.890 --> 01:26:29.550 Pak, Nicholas (ELS-SNG): Well, to give you a better context let's take a look at one author here right so Professor smallwood has an author ID of this and the author ID here I just put in the keywords and the advanced search and search for it. 471 01:26:30.840 --> 01:26:36.690 Pak, Nicholas (ELS-SNG): And there we go with Professor small with you, with when I six results it's consistent yeah. 472 01:26:40.020 --> 01:26:52.350 Pak, Nicholas (ELS-SNG): it's this, but this is IP right, this is not author ID, but let me take a look at this for you so there's two different terms of so one ID will be well let's do it for this. 473 01:26:54.840 --> 01:26:59.490 Pak, Nicholas (ELS-SNG): pocket is probably a third party developed where we work together on this. 474 01:27:06.210 --> 01:27:11.130 Pak, Nicholas (ELS-SNG): So i'll go to basic search and how to take a look at the Office itself, I can add, for instance. 475 01:27:18.450 --> 01:27:33.030 Pak, Nicholas (ELS-SNG): I can go to market here look for the drop down and then simply paste in the example that you shared with me, so this is awkward, this is not ID, then we can see from here we have a professor you smash Athena from you, it M and there you go. 476 01:27:34.170 --> 01:27:34.590 Pak, Nicholas (ELS-SNG): So. 477 01:27:36.210 --> 01:27:42.240 Pak, Nicholas (ELS-SNG): safina has an ID that we can take a look at, and then we can browse through this expand the search results as well accordingly. 478 01:27:50.250 --> 01:27:50.700 Pak, Nicholas (ELS-SNG): There you go. 479 01:27:52.110 --> 01:27:53.190 Pak, Nicholas (ELS-SNG): I hope this answers your question. 480 01:27:56.070 --> 01:27:59.040 Pak, Nicholas (ELS-SNG): So I think the problem with it right now is that we move pocket. 481 01:28:00.180 --> 01:28:07.200 Pak, Nicholas (ELS-SNG): as well, so in the past it used to be directly below, but now it's now a drop down box that you actually have to click. 482 01:28:09.960 --> 01:28:18.540 Pak, Nicholas (ELS-SNG): So if they did not update or put in scopus you can also choose to merge it for them as well, so. 483 01:28:19.560 --> 01:28:20.970 Pak, Nicholas (ELS-SNG): Let me find an author. 484 01:28:23.460 --> 01:28:26.040 Pak, Nicholas (ELS-SNG): I should have thought she does have an ID right so yeah. 485 01:28:40.170 --> 01:28:51.210 Pak, Nicholas (ELS-SNG): So very simple all you have to do if they don't have an ID they can simply connect to operate here, and then you walk them through as to how they can create an account itself. 486 01:28:54.930 --> 01:28:59.790 Pak, Nicholas (ELS-SNG): The platform itself is very new distaste so now, if you don't have a rocket ID you can simply sign in. 487 01:29:00.810 --> 01:29:09.840 Pak, Nicholas (ELS-SNG): If they haven't looked at, yet we can just simply sign in, and then they can link it or they can sign in and create an otter account, and then they can register accordingly right So there you go. 488 01:29:19.380 --> 01:29:29.640 Pak, Nicholas (ELS-SNG): yeah so if shower does a habit, then you can get shout out to actually do it, you know I can't do it for him you're probably better in a better position to do it for him, but let's take a look at Professor shower shower that's industry. 489 01:29:35.970 --> 01:29:36.480 Pak, Nicholas (ELS-SNG): Okay. 490 01:29:39.390 --> 01:29:42.690 Pak, Nicholas (ELS-SNG): So in this case, what you can consider doing is to collect an author ID here. 491 01:29:49.110 --> 01:29:56.790 Pak, Nicholas (ELS-SNG): And then either his existing or ID that i'm not aware of, or you can get him to register one here yeah. 492 01:29:58.950 --> 01:30:06.150 Pak, Nicholas (ELS-SNG): Who is responsible for merging the author, are you hustling are you referring to in this case, if there are two authors. 493 01:30:07.320 --> 01:30:11.340 Pak, Nicholas (ELS-SNG): with similar names and how do you merge the author profiles together is that what you're referring to. 494 01:30:24.450 --> 01:30:35.880 Pak, Nicholas (ELS-SNG): Okay, so that's my assumption that's an example right, so what you can do is just for instance right we know this is not correct, but, for instance, we can see that there are two authors here right and you decide very similar ones. 495 01:30:36.900 --> 01:30:40.800 Pak, Nicholas (ELS-SNG): If the artist ethics in authors, you can request too much and authorship. 496 01:30:42.780 --> 01:30:50.190 Pak, Nicholas (ELS-SNG): Then you have to go through the entire author profile was that again, and then you can request Accordingly, I am not going to go through this right. 497 01:30:50.430 --> 01:30:59.490 Pak, Nicholas (ELS-SNG): Because that profile those two Professor public cleaned up, but if you know for a fact that the authors are not enough, then you can go true by leveraging on the profile we said as well. 498 01:31:05.130 --> 01:31:06.210 Pak, Nicholas (ELS-SNG): I hope that answers your question. 499 01:31:07.890 --> 01:31:15.780 Pak, Nicholas (ELS-SNG): Okay, good all right, I think we've done a lot of good questions so far um let me go back and I think there's a bit more content that I want to cover for this. 500 01:31:21.690 --> 01:31:36.330 Pak, Nicholas (ELS-SNG): So now we've talked about this area i've given a live example on how can edit your profile and how we can make changes I think this is very useful the also feedback was it hasn't updated again to improve the overall usability so that you can make changes right. 501 01:31:37.530 --> 01:31:46.890 Pak, Nicholas (ELS-SNG): Some of you probably want to know now and we want to talk about now will be on scopus general metrics I think this the last part of the content, I want to cover for today. 502 01:31:48.330 --> 01:31:53.250 Pak, Nicholas (ELS-SNG): And then, if you have more questions, we can run it through the live section, and then you can type it into a box. 503 01:31:54.750 --> 01:32:00.060 Pak, Nicholas (ELS-SNG): So there are three key metrics in scopus, and the reason why this is the case, unlike web of science is that. 504 01:32:00.420 --> 01:32:16.410 Pak, Nicholas (ELS-SNG): scopus really believed I believed in a basket of metrics right we don't believe that one metric is good enough, because we want a more holistic perspective, so we have worked on and develop size got 2020, which is a comprehensive, transparent and current view of a generous impact. 505 01:32:18.120 --> 01:32:23.340 Pak, Nicholas (ELS-SNG): It uses a four year window using data from scopus and we'll go through this in more detail later. 506 01:32:24.420 --> 01:32:34.320 Pak, Nicholas (ELS-SNG): We have snip, which is a sauce normalized impact, but paper which measures contextual citation impact by wing citations based on this total number of subjects and then subject few. 507 01:32:34.800 --> 01:32:46.350 Pak, Nicholas (ELS-SNG): So it's is in a way, very similar to the few ways that citation impact metrics fwc I, but the difference is snip is used as a general level, and like fwc. 508 01:32:47.850 --> 01:32:54.720 Pak, Nicholas (ELS-SNG): And then of course we have SGI outside my uncle john a ranking which everyone has to ask me about from Malaysia for some interesting reason. 509 01:32:55.620 --> 01:33:03.630 Pak, Nicholas (ELS-SNG): But the way is calculated is very, very different because it's a prestige metric that's applied to journals books movies and conference papers. 510 01:33:04.440 --> 01:33:18.270 Pak, Nicholas (ELS-SNG): So we've actually out the subject few quality and reputation of the general have a direct effect on the value of a citation similar to snip as easily readily understandable scoring skill, with an average of one for easy comparison. 511 01:33:21.570 --> 01:33:32.940 Pak, Nicholas (ELS-SNG): So this is a sasquatch 2020 methodology it counts the citations receive in four years from 2017 to 2022 articles reviews conference papers book chapters and data papers. 512 01:33:33.270 --> 01:33:40.620 Pak, Nicholas (ELS-SNG): And it's divided by the number of publications in the same for years right so it's really citations over documents over four years. 513 01:33:42.780 --> 01:33:49.800 Pak, Nicholas (ELS-SNG): The different types of size cohere size course updated on an annual basis, we have a track of tough times per year and. 514 01:33:50.670 --> 01:34:04.860 Pak, Nicholas (ELS-SNG): That is the fixed site score itself the dynamic site support itself, and then we have to have a fixed size calls out to so the fix is called 2020 is copied annually you don't update it on a monthly basis the site squat cracker tough times a year on a monthly basis. 515 01:34:07.650 --> 01:34:18.840 Pak, Nicholas (ELS-SNG): So we saw this picture right and the lens example, we can see the cover she is from 1823 to present is funded by the publisher is Elsevier and then this ISIS and. 516 01:34:19.260 --> 01:34:25.590 Pak, Nicholas (ELS-SNG): And I highly encourage everyone to take a look at the ISIS and because it's that is really the crux of what we're looking at. 517 01:34:27.990 --> 01:34:39.630 Pak, Nicholas (ELS-SNG): And over here we can take a look at the site school counter itself, we can see what's the fixed counter and what his tractor will see shockingly size call tracker 2020 is really high and it's a lot higher than sites con 19. 518 01:34:40.980 --> 01:34:49.230 Pak, Nicholas (ELS-SNG): Is a difference in terms of methodology, probably as it was a testament to the quality of how well that that itself is performing. 519 01:34:50.910 --> 01:35:01.710 Pak, Nicholas (ELS-SNG): At the last part that I want to show you here is to look at the rank and trend right so that led to this under the age of general medicine is ranked number one are 529. 520 01:35:02.400 --> 01:35:13.230 Pak, Nicholas (ELS-SNG): So people always ask us the top 10% Oh well, that'd be the top 52 channels for the top quality journals you can divide it by four so it's about hundred and 1400 and 30 terabytes right. 521 01:35:13.770 --> 01:35:18.240 Pak, Nicholas (ELS-SNG): So that's something that you can take a look at the top hundred and 30 journals and be the top town. 522 01:35:18.810 --> 01:35:23.760 Pak, Nicholas (ELS-SNG): So maybe you can encourage you, and use this take a look at this if they're looking for journalists to publish in. 523 01:35:24.210 --> 01:35:36.570 Pak, Nicholas (ELS-SNG): Maybe you don't have them donate them to be in the first quarter, maybe second quarter is adequate, then you look at the top hundred and 31 to 260 there's something you can take a look at. 524 01:35:39.990 --> 01:35:51.090 Pak, Nicholas (ELS-SNG): Then of course you can use the journal analyzer tool to compare calling me, based on the different metrics itself right sql stint and citations be yeah I think it's really useful. 525 01:35:52.350 --> 01:36:09.660 Pak, Nicholas (ELS-SNG): Okay, we also covered about scopus article level metrics which are comprehensive item level metrics that shows insights so it's broken down to five key colors right you say captures users in green captures and purple yellow is mentions. 526 01:36:10.710 --> 01:36:18.870 Pak, Nicholas (ELS-SNG): To will be social media and rate will be citations and it's meant to communicate engagement score, so we can find out how the pumpkin looks like. 527 01:36:19.230 --> 01:36:34.650 Pak, Nicholas (ELS-SNG): Right, so we, we are able to take a look at the details, and this is where we delve into in more detail just out or look at the climax metrics and then you're able to get ideas about how well this article is performing from an article level perspective. 528 01:36:37.980 --> 01:36:47.370 Pak, Nicholas (ELS-SNG): Okay, so this comes across as a bit of you, based on what we just discussed, but what happens if postgraduate summits to certain channels and then the journalists longer index and scopus. 529 01:36:48.270 --> 01:36:57.810 Pak, Nicholas (ELS-SNG): This is a real problem, and I think this is very important as to why I spent maybe about 10 minutes in the earlier part talking about how important it is to choose a journal. 530 01:36:58.500 --> 01:37:08.640 Pak, Nicholas (ELS-SNG): So it might say is that, if it's a queue for journal it's also running the risk of not being good enough right but i'm not seeing the option for journals and therefore. 531 01:37:09.120 --> 01:37:20.790 Pak, Nicholas (ELS-SNG): dent in that way it's not I will see you really have to go forward and do your homework sometimes you need to ask yourself if the journal is performing badly at a postgraduate some is to it, why are they doing it right. 532 01:37:21.420 --> 01:37:32.760 Pak, Nicholas (ELS-SNG): In that case, it is a risk that they're taking because sure it might seem that it's easier to submit to that journal, but if you know that the journals not performing well why do you still want to submit to the Channel right. 533 01:37:33.330 --> 01:37:38.550 Pak, Nicholas (ELS-SNG): i'm choosing the journals to submit in it's also very important, so please be very careful um. 534 01:37:39.780 --> 01:37:47.430 Pak, Nicholas (ELS-SNG): If the journals along the index and scopus there is has to be a reason and we get investigated right but i'm sure that. 535 01:37:47.910 --> 01:37:59.580 Pak, Nicholas (ELS-SNG): If you can find it in the sauce list you'll be able to find a quick explanation, a summary as to why some journals at discontinue or otherwise so that's a very good question thanks for bringing it up. 536 01:38:03.150 --> 01:38:11.190 Pak, Nicholas (ELS-SNG): Okay, another example that we get here is how we are able to use scopus to search for collaborators we covered this briefly. 537 01:38:11.700 --> 01:38:28.650 Pak, Nicholas (ELS-SNG): price for you, it em but what you can do is you can analyze search results, and then we can see, we should top universities are the expert in this area, you can find out who are the individual experts in this area right, so I went to run like one last quick dynamic sharing session. 538 01:38:29.790 --> 01:38:46.110 Pak, Nicholas (ELS-SNG): I think we had some very interesting topics as well, so let me take a look at it, so, for instance, right, the one that I actually really liked and the new topic that I found today was metacognition right so let's go to documents let's have a look at say this results quickly. 539 01:38:47.970 --> 01:38:50.070 Pak, Nicholas (ELS-SNG): What I want to do is to analyze the search results here. 540 01:38:52.110 --> 01:38:53.040 Pak, Nicholas (ELS-SNG): And then from here. 541 01:38:56.370 --> 01:39:10.770 Pak, Nicholas (ELS-SNG): We can find and we observed that this article this topic itself is increasing quite significantly, although it's not huge but let's take a look at the individual documents by the authors, so we have a professor Casey talked about the casita. 542 01:39:13.500 --> 01:39:14.730 Pak, Nicholas (ELS-SNG): So we can click on this. 543 01:39:17.100 --> 01:39:20.310 Pak, Nicholas (ELS-SNG): And we realized that kazoo he says data. 544 01:39:21.360 --> 01:39:38.400 Pak, Nicholas (ELS-SNG): From the soccer prefecture university and sekai Japan is one of the top most productive researchers in this area with 91 documents 200 citations maybe seven H index right, and then you take a look at the individual topics itself and the topic pages, then we realize that. 545 01:39:39.630 --> 01:39:48.900 Pak, Nicholas (ELS-SNG): he's has pretty good a very high fwc I in this topic in the willingness to communicate language learning strategies and foreign language and anxiety. 546 01:39:50.040 --> 01:40:02.520 Pak, Nicholas (ELS-SNG): Then we can go and delve down into the top authors in this topic right, and then we realized that while this author john mark Deauville has both the citations 3030 documents right. 547 01:40:02.940 --> 01:40:12.780 Pak, Nicholas (ELS-SNG): He has a 38 has been publishing since 1996 is of the University of London So these are ways that you can definitely use and leverage the sauce analyzer to. 548 01:40:13.710 --> 01:40:23.520 Pak, Nicholas (ELS-SNG): The analysis to to to find out more information about the top institutions right, for instance, they are publishing this article and, interestingly. 549 01:40:25.110 --> 01:40:35.910 Pak, Nicholas (ELS-SNG): You ever sit us and the current Indonesia has published a lot on this, and so has 90 technological university right or soccer prefecture university was Professor. 550 01:40:37.800 --> 01:40:38.160 Pak, Nicholas (ELS-SNG): Sorry. 551 01:40:39.990 --> 01:40:46.770 Pak, Nicholas (ELS-SNG): cuz he's a setup right this way it came from, but and us enter you in Singapore has been published by a fair bit as well right. 552 01:40:47.070 --> 01:40:55.860 Pak, Nicholas (ELS-SNG): So maybe you want to take a look at this and I think I know where the interview publishing is from is probably from Professor hsu boss to rush right So if I take a look here. 553 01:41:02.040 --> 01:41:09.180 Pak, Nicholas (ELS-SNG): yeah so we can see that Professor hsu rashes from the Indian Institute of science right and here's a hitch index of 38. 554 01:41:11.310 --> 01:41:20.400 Pak, Nicholas (ELS-SNG): very interesting, you can find out that his top topics here are with regards to visual evoked potentials motor imagery and bring image computing. 555 01:41:21.120 --> 01:41:32.310 Pak, Nicholas (ELS-SNG): interface right, and this is really useful I really think this is likely, you can take a look at this and then this is a very, very powerful tool for you to collaborate with your users okay one quick question. 556 01:41:35.640 --> 01:41:43.650 Pak, Nicholas (ELS-SNG): Of course, you want to collaborate with your team Okay, I understand 100%, so why don't we can do here is, you can go back to you, it and take a look at it. 557 01:41:48.000 --> 01:41:50.130 Pak, Nicholas (ELS-SNG): lexical escalations with the game our. 558 01:41:56.160 --> 01:42:00.090 Pak, Nicholas (ELS-SNG): It then now I tell you what let's take a look at the entire documents by the whole institution. 559 01:42:02.700 --> 01:42:17.550 Pak, Nicholas (ELS-SNG): We probably want to take a look at the most recent articles wondering so let's take a look at 2021 and 2020 right to find out what are the top results in so we narrow it down based on two years and then we can search accordingly actually sorry do that. 560 01:42:22.470 --> 01:42:23.970 Pak, Nicholas (ELS-SNG): Alright, so let me, let us. 561 01:42:30.810 --> 01:42:31.680 Pak, Nicholas (ELS-SNG): So we get them into. 562 01:42:35.400 --> 01:42:36.420 Pak, Nicholas (ELS-SNG): The search results. 563 01:42:40.470 --> 01:42:45.840 Pak, Nicholas (ELS-SNG): and industry, yes, we observed that the top author, will be a professor mm hmm. 564 01:42:55.080 --> 01:43:13.980 Pak, Nicholas (ELS-SNG): And he has published probably about 300 documents into entry, with a list of 23 in primarily key topic areas like dry sensitize solar cells humidity sensors photo detectors get sensors right, probably the area of engineering, we can see all the information that we have here. 565 01:43:16.620 --> 01:43:27.570 Pak, Nicholas (ELS-SNG): And then we can also take a look at his age index So hopefully that answers your question right I think that's a good example on how you can browse around looking for top authors within your team. 566 01:43:34.290 --> 01:43:39.090 Pak, Nicholas (ELS-SNG): Okay, so the last part which I want to share with you would be probably appendix right. 567 01:43:39.870 --> 01:43:45.060 Pak, Nicholas (ELS-SNG): We have gone through a lot of key topics we're running through a whole series of more workshops that you can join us in as well. 568 01:43:45.660 --> 01:43:56.970 Pak, Nicholas (ELS-SNG): And we talked about all the profiles, we talked about institutional profiles for updates out say, please follow the scope his blog is really powerful very useful, I encourage you to follow it. 569 01:43:58.290 --> 01:44:00.030 Pak, Nicholas (ELS-SNG): With a library connect with shows. 570 01:44:01.170 --> 01:44:11.700 Pak, Nicholas (ELS-SNG): By 10 times a year, which are the best examples to work and collaborate with and newsletters to work on, so that it it really shares information and library science best practice accordingly. 571 01:44:14.520 --> 01:44:23.430 Pak, Nicholas (ELS-SNG): We talked about journal Finder previously, but I would say, once again, please use journal Finder as a tool and use it and incorporate it together with scope of support. 572 01:44:26.250 --> 01:44:40.050 Pak, Nicholas (ELS-SNG): And then, like over here, you mentioned, you can see site score, we see the impact factor we see the acceptance rate the time to the first decision and time to publication I think there's evidence for essentially a bit low and now it's probably about 80% at the moment, if i'm not mistaken. 573 01:44:42.000 --> 01:44:51.270 Pak, Nicholas (ELS-SNG): And if you want to find out more information, please use the research Academy, it takes you through the different phases of recycle from the beginnings of research preparation. 574 01:44:52.110 --> 01:45:06.600 Pak, Nicholas (ELS-SNG): To the publishing process to the demonstration impact so either within or outside academia, so it can help researchers to get funding for the research so that you can show researchers how you're working, except in top journals and it's a completely free service. 575 01:45:08.490 --> 01:45:17.370 Pak, Nicholas (ELS-SNG): I highly encourage everyone to use research academy or to share this with your students is a completely free program and service and, at the end you also get a certificate with it. 576 01:45:19.650 --> 01:45:28.080 Pak, Nicholas (ELS-SNG): So yeah Thank you um if I can travel you, you can probably complete this survey that you see over here and get a quote here to get a certification. 577 01:45:28.500 --> 01:45:41.040 Pak, Nicholas (ELS-SNG): In the meantime yeah I would try and take one last series of questions which takes me about five minutes to the Q amp a and then i'm very happy to let you guys go for lunch, because I know it's been a very, very long day for you. 578 01:45:49.380 --> 01:45:55.800 Pak, Nicholas (ELS-SNG): So if there's anyone that wants to type any questions feel free to type them in the chat box i'm very happy to help you here as well. 579 01:46:06.780 --> 01:46:10.650 Pak, Nicholas (ELS-SNG): sure we can you can drop a note to point me me, and we know what on this together. 580 01:46:18.360 --> 01:46:27.900 Pak, Nicholas (ELS-SNG): actually discussed this previously with our one city, how you as well as a small, so you maybe you guys can come together to come to discuss about this and i'm sure we can do something for you, it. 581 01:46:51.270 --> 01:46:54.900 Pak, Nicholas (ELS-SNG): yep This is something that we can definitely support on so not to worry. 582 01:47:05.280 --> 01:47:09.990 Pak, Nicholas (ELS-SNG): So maybe we can take one more minute to see if anyone has any other questions so far. 583 01:47:18.960 --> 01:47:19.230 Pak, Nicholas (ELS-SNG): yep. 584 01:47:21.660 --> 01:47:22.110 Pak, Nicholas (ELS-SNG): sure. 585 01:47:32.880 --> 01:47:35.250 Pak, Nicholas (ELS-SNG): Okay, go for your convenience. 586 01:47:40.470 --> 01:47:41.070 Pak, Nicholas (ELS-SNG): Oh sorry. 587 01:47:45.150 --> 01:47:45.540 Pak, Nicholas (ELS-SNG): Okay, go.